Dreer's Garten Buch 1931 (1931) Dreer's Garten Buch 1931 dreersgardenbook 1931 henr Jahr: 1931 J iPINESE TlOWERING ChERRY Sommerflieder (Schmetterling Strauch) Japanische Floweriog Kirschen der Anzeige von japanischen Blühende Kirschen in Washington, D.C, im frühen Frühling ist eine der großen Sehenswürdigkeiten unserer Hauptstadt und zieht jährlich tausende Besucher an. Diese Kirschen sind unter den Ersten, die Bäume zu Blume in voller Blüte Anfang April kommen. Die verschiedenen Sorten Einzel- und Doppelzimmer die Blütezeit für vier Wochen verlängern, das attraktive 1-blühenden Sorten in Blüte kommen erste
1115 x 1793 px | 18,9 x 30,4 cm | 7,4 x 12 inches | 150dpi
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Dreer's garden book 1931 (1931) Dreer's garden book 1931 dreersgardenbook1931henr Year: 1931 J iPINESE TlOWERING ChERRY BuDDLEiA (Butterfly Shrub) Japanese Floweriog Cherries The display of Japanese Flowering Cherries at Washington, D. C, in early spring is one of the great sights of our national capital and annually attracts thousands of visitors. These Cherries are among the earliest trees to flower coming into bloom early in April. The different varieties single and double extend the flowering season for fully four weeks, the attractive single-flowered varieties coming into bloom first followed by the double sorts. They are perfectly hardy and will succeed in almost any location. We offer eight choice varieties, six erect growing and two weeping, a selection made for us by one of the most experienced growers. Erect Growing Varieties Daybreak. One of the earliest to bloom, flowers single pink appearing before the leaves in greatest profusion. Naden. One of the prettiest double pinks, the petals are so numerous as to make the flower a perfect tuft. Pink Pearl. The earliest of the doubles. Flowers fully 1J inches in diameter, light pink shading deeper at edges. Takasago. Double light pink massed into large compact clusters, very showy, blooms before the leaves appear. Ukon. Unique in having yellow flowers slightly tinted green, as the flowers mature the veins in the petals change to cerise; late flowering; semi-double. Victory or Shirofugen. Very double, up to 2^ inches borne in racemes of about 3 each on long stems; flowers open a delicate pink changing to white; late flowering. Price. Any of the above in strong plants 4 to 5 feet high S3.50 each; the collection of 6 varieties for $20.00. Weeping Varieties Eureka Weeping {Japanese Weeping Rose Flowering Cherry). A single light pink that has been grown in this country for 50 years, a tribute to its beauty and popularity. Park Weeping. Differs from the above in the color of its flowers wliich are of a deep pink a