Dreer's 1907 Garten Buch (1907) Dreer's 1907 Garten Buch dreers Garten 1907 1907 henr Jahr: 1907 DREER^^ ABsrHARDY HILADELPHIA - PERENMIAL PFLANZEN 159 ANTHEMIS (Marguerite.) Diese hardy Margeriten gehören zu den am meisten befriedigenden Sommer-Angebot Stauden, die Nachfolge in den ärmsten Böden, wachsende ca. 15 Zoll hoch, und blühenden kontinuierlich während des ganzen Sommer. (Siehe .) Dolmetsch. Der dichten buschigen Wuchs, mit großen, goldgelben Blüten. Alba. Cremig weiß mit gelber Mitte. Kelwayii. Ähnlich der Art, aber mit tiefer gelben Blumen. - Githago. Schöne große Schwefel-gelb Blumen. Keine
1229 x 1627 px | 20,8 x 27,6 cm | 8,2 x 10,8 inches | 150dpi
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Dreer's 1907 garden book (1907) Dreer's 1907 garden book dreers1907garden1907henr Year: 1907 DREER^HILADELPHIA^ABsrHARDY-PERENMIAL PLANTS 159 ANTHEMIS (Marguerite.) These hardy Marguerites are among the most satisfactory summer-flow ering perennials, succeeding in the poorest soil, growing about 15 inches high, and blooming continuously during the entire summer. (See cut.) Tinctoria. Of dense bushy habit, with large golden-yellow flowers. Alba. Creamy white with yellow centre. Kelwayii. Similar to the type, but with deeper yellow flowers. — Pallida. Beautiful large sulphur-yellow flowers. Nobilis {Common Chamomile). White flowers; July to September. AizoOrt. A compact variety but 3 inches high; useful for the rockery ; white flowers from June to August. 15 cts. each ; $1.50 per doz.; $10.00 per 100. AQUILEGIA (Columbine). The Columbines are old favorite late spring and early summer blooming plants, growing about 2 feet high, that succeed in any ordinary garden soil. The varieties offered are a selection of the best kinds. Californica Hybrida. One of the finest mixtures ever brought together. Canadensis. Our native Columbine, bright red and yellow. Chrysantha. The beautiful golden-spurred ' Columbine.' Coerulea (Rocky Mountain Columbine). One of the handsomest of the family ; blue and white. Nlvea grandiflora. A beautiful large pure white. Truncata. Scarlet, with yellow tips ; very distinct. Vulgaris. The European violet-blue Columbine. 15 cts. each; $1.50 per doz.; $10.00 per 100. Set of 7 varieties, $1.00. ARABIS (Bock Cress). Alpina. One of the most desirable of the very early spring- flowering plants that is especially adapted for edging and for the rock garden, but which succeeds equally well in the border, where it forms a dense carpet, completely covered with pure white flowers. — FIore=plena. A distinct and pretty double-flowering form of the above. (See cut ) 15 cts. each; $1.50 per doz.; $10.00 per 100. Collections of Hardy Perennial Plants. For th