Dreer ist Herbst Katalog 1905 (1905) Dreer ist Herbst Katalog 1905 dreersautumncata 1905 henr Jahr: 1905 Narziss Sik Waikin. Stella. Auf der sehr e der besten für Nonsuch, Peerless, Kelch = Schale oder Star NARZISSE. Diese Klasse ist auch als Medium tnimpets bekannt und umfasst einige der schönsten und anmutigen Formen. Alle sind besonders für naturalisierung angepasst. Jf wollte per E-Mail, fügen Sie 5 i-ts. pei Doz. für Porto. Barrii Conspicuus. Blütenhülle Schwefel; breite Verbreitung Becher; maguiticeiitly mit Purpur beleuchtet; eine höchst unterschiedliche und schöne Art; die Bewunderung aller, und sollte
2256 x 887 px | 38,2 x 15 cm | 15 x 5,9 inches | 150dpi
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Dreer's autumn catalogue 1905 (1905) Dreer's autumn catalogue 1905 dreersautumncata1905henr Year: 1905 Narcissus Sik Waikin. Stella. On of the very e of the best for Nonsuch, Peerless, Chalice=cup or Star NARCISSUS. This class is also known as the medium tnimpets, and comprises some of the most beautiful and graceful forms. All are especially adapted for naturalizing. Jf wanted by mail, add 5 i-ts. pei doz. for postage. Barrii Conspicuus. Perianth sulphur ; broad spreading cup; maguiticeiitly illuminated with scarlet; a most distinct and beautiful sort ; the admiration of everyone, and should be in every collection. 4 cts. each ; 30 cts. per doz.; $2 00 per 100- Incomparabiiis. Yellow, iih orange cup. 3cls. each; 2') Lts. per doz.; $1.50 per 100. Cynosure. Large primrose perianth; cup yellow ; con- spicuously stained with orange-scaili t; remarkably shcivvy ; a tine sort for cutting. 3 cts. each ; 25 cts. per doz.; $1.50 per 100. Figaro. Perianth lemon-yellow ; cup large; spreading and lined orange-scarlet ; a large and well formed flower. 3 cts. eai h ; 25 cts. per doz.; $1.50 per 100. Leedsii. Pure white peiiaiuh ; cup Kinon parsing to while; an ceiUnt sort for bouquets. 3 cts. each; 211 cts. per doz.; $1.25 VVatkin. ' Giant Cha'ice Flower, ' or ' Big Welshman.' A gigantic lldwer, the largest in this section ; perianth sulphur-yellow ; cup slightly (lee|ier in color and tinged Midi orange; fine for pot culture. (See cut.) 5 cts. each ; 50 <-ts. per doz.; S^3..')0 per 100. large, wonderfully free-blooming and one §1 25 per 100. first to bloom; flowers star-sh-iped ; pure white with yellow cu| general decoration or for cutting. 3 cts. each ; 20 cts. per doz COLLECTIONS OF STAR N RCISSl «. 3 each of the above 7 varieiies, 21 bul 6 ' ' ' 7 ' 42 ' .$0 50 . 90 12 each of the above 7 varictic.-. 81 bulb; 25 ' ' ' 7 ' 175 ' .%%%%%%%% 75 . 3 00 THE POET'S NARCISSUS. This is the old-fashioned favorite type, with white flowers, the cups mar- gined with red and with