Dreer Hochsommer Liste 1934 (1934) Hochsommer Liste Dreer's 1934. dreersmidsummerl 1934 henr Jahr: 1934 Mehrjährige DREER die BLUMENSAMEN FÜR SOMMER UND HERBST AUSSAAT 7 Praxishinweis ffof-t/y Garten Rosa Diese winterharte Staude genießt die größte Beliebtheit wie die Pflanzen eignen sich besonders gut für eine Reihe von Zwecken. Sie werden eine auffällige Bett oder Grenze geben und Attraktivsten im Steingarten. Auch sehr gut zum Schneiden. 2332 Cespitosa alpinus. Ein auffälliges einfache und halbgefüllte duftenden Blumen, die alle Farben in Dianthus gefunden. Die Pflanzen wachsen 4 bis 6 Zoll hoch und Blühen profus
1199 x 1668 px | 20,3 x 28,2 cm | 8 x 11,1 inches | 150dpi
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Dreer's midsummer list 1934 (1934) Dreer's midsummer list 1934 . dreersmidsummerl1934henr Year: 1934 DREER'S PERENNIAL FLOWER SEEDS FOR SUMMER AND AUTUMN SOWING 7 DianthuS—ffof-t/y Garden Pinks This hardy perennial enjoys the greatest popularity as the plants lend themselves exceptionally well to a number of purposes. They will give a showy bed or border, and are most attractive in the rock garden. Also very fine for cutting. 2332 Allwoodii alpinus.A Showy single and semi-double fragrant flowers representing all the colors found in Dianthus. The plants grow 4 to 6 inches high and bloom profusely. Fine for rock gardens. Protect with evergreen boughs in winter. Pkt. 35c; 100 seeds $1.00. 2333 Graniticus.A Another fine rock garden Dianthus of low growth forming a dense carpet covered in May and June with bright crimson blooms. The plants grow about 4 inches high. Pkt. 20c; special pkt. 60c. 2334 Deltoides, Brilliant (Maiden Pink).A A charming creeping variety with brilliant carmine flowers in June and July. Fine for the rock garden. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c. 2338 Deltoides alba.A A white-flowering form of the above and as beautiful. Pkt. 20c; special pkt. 75c. 2335 Caesius (Cheddar Pink).A Attractive dense tufts only a few inches high, studded throughout May and June with rose-pink sweet-scented blooms. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 50c. 2336 Plumarius semperflorens (Everblooming Hardy Garden Pinks).A Very beautiful semi-double, double, and single flowers in a great diversity of colors. Delightfully sweet scented. Pkt. 20c: oz. 60c. 2341 Plumarius, Highland Rose Hybrids. A Lovely single flowers having a rich fragrance. The blooms are bright rose with a zone of deeper rosy red. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c. 2340 Plumarius (Grass Pinks, Scotch Pinks, or Pheasant- eye Pinks).A A beautiful single hardy Pink with fringed edged flowers of varied showy colors. The blooms have an appealing spicy fragrance. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; oz. 75c. 2337 PI u mar iu s fl. pi. (Double Hardy Ga