More at In the early 1800 (1805 – 1808 ‘ish) a house stood at the corner of London Road and Walton Road which was the home of Edward Fenna and his family who was the Parish Constable. Outside the house were the Parish Stocks (removed 1850). The house was called the “Stone Jug”. Fenna would not have had a uniform and was unpaid for the work he did, which was not a lot. He would walk the streets with a lantern at night and have a rattle for attracting attention. He did get paid expenses for duties such as relief of the poor, flogging people and putting people in the stocks, etc. In 1864 a single storey building was built on the existing site and there was one Sergeant and one PC for the village. The area outside the Police Station (Victoria Square) was called ‘Pigeon Bank’ and belonged to the Police Station. Every year the fairground from Warrington (Silcocks) would stop at Stockton Heath on their way to Stoke. With the permission of Sgt. Norris they set up their tents, Dobbie horses (roundabouts), Coconut Shy’s etc. It is recorded that one year Sgt. Norris’ son who was ‘of age’ (over 12 generally) came out of the Police Station, jumped on a Dobbie Horse and broke it. In 1911 that Police Station was closed and demolished with a new Police Station opening the following year. The dates are to be seen on the headers of the drainpipes. The new Station incorporated a Magistrate’s Court and living quarters for the Inspector. Gas lamps, some of which can still be seen in the cells, illuminated the Police Station. The Inspector’s house that was the area now used by the writing room, gents toilet and kitchen and upstairs the waiting room toilets and Court two. The Inspector’s daughter who lived until recently in Stockton Heath recalled that her bedroom was the Court Waiting Room. After she came home from school she would have to clean and polish the Court floors for no payment. Outside the Police Station on the side where the