. Die Vögel von Ohio; eine vollständige wissenschaftliche und beliebte Beschreibung der 320 Vogelarten in dem Staat gefunden. 120 DER BLAUFLÜGELSÄNGER. Nr. 53. BLAUFLÜGELSÄNGER. A. O. LT. Nr. 641. Helminthophila pinus (Linn.) Synonym. – Bi,uegeflügelter Gelber Waldsänger. Beschreibung. - Erwachsener männlich: Stirn und Vorderkrone leuchtend gelb mit einem Hauch von Orange (indisch gelb); Seiten des Kopfes und ganze Teile unter, exceptcrissum, reiche Zitronengelb; eine schwarze Linie durch Auge; Flügel und Schwanz bläulich aschover dusky; Spitzen der mittleren und größeren Deckungen weiß, die ehemalige mit gelblichen; Drei äußere Tai-Paare
1866 x 1340 px | 31,6 x 22,7 cm | 12,4 x 8,9 inches | 150dpi
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. The birds of Ohio; a complete scientific and popular description of the 320 species of birds found in the state . 120 THE BLUE-WINGED WARBLER. No. 53. BLUE-WINGED WARBLER. A. O. LT. No. 641. Helminthophila pinus (Linn.). Synonym.—Bi, ue-vinged Yellow WarblER. Description.—Adult male: Forehead and fore-crown bright yellow witha tinge of orange (Indian yellow) ; sides of head and entire under parts, exceptcrissum, rich lemon yellow ; a black line through eye; wings and tail bluish ashover dusky ; tips of middle and greater coverts white, the former with yellowishtinge; three outer pairs of tail-feathers blotched with white on inner webs; re-maining upper parts bright olive-green, clearest and with most yellow on rump ;crissum white. Adult female: Similar but with yellow of head restricted toforehead; under parts paler yellow; bill blackish; feet dark brown. Lengthabout 4.75 (120.6) ; wing 2.37 (60.2) ; tail 1.72 (43.7) ; bill .41 (10.4).. Photo by ttii: Aiit.u Taken near Oherlin. THE TILUE-WINGED WARBLERS DOMAIN.Trii; NicsT sirowN in tttp, roLLowiNC ii.i, ustration occupms a position near ti-iic cicnteu. Recognition Marks.—Smaller; yellow on forehead and below; bright olive-green above; black line through eye; white wing-bars and smaller size as dis-tinguished from the Prothonotary Warbler. Nest, on the grourKl, at edge of thicket or black-berry patch, of leaves, grape- THE BLUE-WINGED WARBLER. 121 vine bark, etc., lined witli fine grass. Eggs, 4 or 5, white, faintly and thinlyspeckled with cinnamon-brown or umber. Av. size, .63 x .51 (16. x 13.). General Range.—Eastern United States from southern New York, southernNew England and southern Minnesota southward, west to Texas and Nebraska.In winter south to Guatemala and Nicaragua. Range in Ohio.—Of general distribution in summer throughout the state. ALTHO appearing in our latitudes as early as May first, the Blue-winged Yellow Warbler seems to bring summer with it