. Die Vögel von New Englandund angrenzenden Staaten: Mit Beschreibungen der Vögel von New England ... zusammen mit einer Geschichte ihrer Lebensräume ... ; mit Illustrationen von vielen Arten der Vögel, und genaue Zahlen ihrer Eier . Ully flügge vor tlie24. Mai. CORVTJS CARNIVORUS. - gelegentlich in diesem Bezirk gesehen. Es brütet auf den hohen, felsigen Teilen der Inseln im unteren St. Lawrence. CYANURA CRIST BEI A. – reichlich in den Bergen nördlich dieser Stadt, wo sie brüten. PERISOREUS CANADENSIS. - Manchmal sehr häufig im Herbst. Ich habe diesen Vogel in der Nähe von Que nicht bemerkt
1263 x 1979 px | 21,4 x 33,5 cm | 8,4 x 13,2 inches | 150dpi
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. The birds of New Englandand adjacent states: containing descriptions of the birds of New England ... together with a history of their habitats ... ; with illustrations of many species of the birds, and accurate figures of their eggs . ully fledged before tlie24th of May. CORVTJS CARNIVORUS. — Occasionally seen in this district. It breeds onthe high, rocky portions of islands in the lower St. Lawrence. CYANURA CRIST AT A.—Abundant in the mountains north of this city, where they breed. PERISOREUS CANADENSIS. — Sometimes very common in the fall. Ihave not noticed this bird in the vicinity of Quebec during summer; but, while on a collecting trip down the St. Lawrence, in the month of July, Isaw numbers of the old and young in the woods, at a place called MilleVaches. They were following each other in one direction, and appeared tome to have habits similar to those of the Black-cap Titmouse. From tliisfact of its occurrence on the north ^hore of the St. Lawrence at the aboveseason, it is evident that they breed in our wild, unfrequented forests, suchas may be found north and east of the river Saguenay. I have offered aliigh price for the nests and eggs of the Canada Jay; but, as yet, nothing ofthe kind has appeared.. Wild Pigeon, Ectopistes migratona. Swainson. THE WILD PIGEON. 373 SUB-ORDER COLUMB^. The basal portion of the bill covered by a soft skin, in which are situated thenostrils, overhung by an incumbent fleshy valve, the apical portion hard and con-vex; the hind toe on the same level with the rest; the anterior toe without mem-brane at the base; tarsi more or less naked; covered laterally and behind withhexagonal scales. Family COLUMBID^. The Doves. Bill homy at the tip; tail feathers twelve, only occasionally fourteen; headsmooth. Sub-Family Columbin-e. Tarsi stout, short, with transverse scutellae anteriorly; feathered for the basalthird above, but not at all behind; toes lengthened, the lateral decidedly longer thanthe tarsus; wings lengthened and point