. Die Vögel von Illinois und Wisconsin . orthernportion des Staates nach Norden. (Ridgway, Orn. 111., 1895, P- i9-)die seltenste Art der Gattung in dieser Umgebung. Frequents kleine Seen, wo es ein Sommer Wohnsitz ist. Nester nach alten Moschusrathouses. * • EIN sehr seltener Winterbewohner. Während der Höhe der Migrationen ist es ziemlich häufig auf Lake Michigan, in Kleinscharen. (Nelson, Birds N. E. 111., 1876, S. 44.) Häufig während Migrationen, aber nicht in so großer Zahl wie die vorhergehende. Ein regulärer Züchter über Green Bay und Lake Superior. (Kumlien und Hol-lister. Birds Wisconsin, 1903, S. 17.) Genu
2008 x 1244 px | 34 x 21,1 cm | 13,4 x 8,3 inches | 150dpi
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. The birds of Illinois and Wisconsin . orthernportion of the state northward. (Ridgway, Orn. 111., 1895, P- i9°-)The rarest species of the genus in this vicinity. Frequents smallreedy lakes where it is a summer resident. Nests upon old muskrathouses. * • A very rare winter resident. During the heightof the migrations it is rather common upon Lake Michigan, in smallflocks. (Nelson, Birds N. E. 111., 1876, p. 44.) Common duringmigrations, but not in as great numbers as the preceding. A regularbreeder about Green Bay and Lake Superior. (Kumlien and Hol-lister. Birds Wisconsin, 1903, p. 17.) Genus LOPHODYTES Reich. 39. Lophodytes cucullatus (Linn.). Hooded Merganser. Distr.: North America in general, south to Cuba and centralMexico, breeding nearly throughout its range. Adidt male: Head ivith large black and ivhite crest; upper parts, black; under parts, white, having the sides brownish, delicatelybarred with black. Length, 19.50; wing, 7.75; tarsus, 1.30; bill, 1.50. Jan., 1909. Birds of Illinois and Wisconsin — Cory. 319. Adult female: Head andneck, brownish, shoAving aslight crest, but not nearly aslarge as in the male; underparts, white. Length, 18.50; wing, 7.75;.tarsus, 1.30; bill, 1.50. The young bird resembles-the female, but has no crest.Lengtli, 18.50; wing, 7.70; tarsus, 1.25; bill, 1.50.The Hooded Merganser is an abundant migrant and a not un-common summer resident in both Illinois and Wisconsin. It fre-quents the ponds and streams during the breeding season andbuilds its nest in a hollow tree near water. The eggs are 7 to 10, buff white, and measure about 2.05 x 1.75 inches. Its food consists, of roots, seeds, small fish, and occasionally insects. The young aretaken from the nest in the bill of the mother. Nidification begins inMay. Very abundant migrant; common winter resident upon LakeMichigan; breeds sparingly throughout the state. (Nelson, Birds.N. E. 111., 1876, p. 44.) Very common. * * =■= * Breeds sparinglyin suitable localities. (Kumlien and Ho