. Die Vögel von Britisch-Guayana : Basierend auf der Sammlung von Frederick Vavasour McConnell ... . notypische Gattung sind der Großkopf, der Hinterhauptkamm, und der Abstand zwischen dem Gipfel des Thenostrils und dem Grat der Keulen ist größer als die Länge des Nasenstils selbst. Kill. Thrasaetus harpyia. Harpy Eagle. Vultitv Itarpuja Linn. Syst. Nat. 10. Ed. I. S. SG, 17o8 (Mexiko).Thrasaetus harpyia Sharpe, Kat. B. Brit. Mu.^. i. S. 224, 1874 (Britisch-Guayana) ; Halvin, Ibis, 188G, S. 75 ; Quelch, Timehri (2) iv. S. 327. 1890 (Berbice Kiver) ; id. op. CIT. VI. S. 147, 1892 (Demerara und E. sequebo B
1297 x 1926 px | 22 x 32,6 cm | 8,6 x 12,8 inches | 150dpi
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. The birds of British Guiana : based on the collection of Frederick Vavasour McConnell ... . notypic genus are the largesize, occipital crest, and the distance between the summit of thenostril and the ridge of the culmen being greater than the lengthof the nostril itself. Kil. Thrasaetus harpyia. Harpy Eagle. Vultitv Itarpuja Linn. Syst. Nat. 10th ed. i. p. SG, 17o8 (Mexico).Thrasaetus harpyia Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mu.^. i. p. 224, 1874 (British Guiana) ; Halvin, Ibis, 188G, p. 75 ; Quelch, Timehri (2) iv. p. 327. 1890 (Berbice Kiver) ; id. op. cit. vi. p. 147, 1892 (Demerara and E.ssequebo Bivers) ; Lloyd, op. cit. (2) xi. p. 8, 1897 (habits) ; Brabourne & Chubb, B. S. Anier. i. p. 70, no. 648, 191 2.Morphnus harpyia Cab. in Schomb. Eeis. Guian. iii. p. 738, 1848.HarpyhaJiaetus coronatus (nee VieilL), Brown, Canoe and Camji Life, p. 239, 187G (Upper Essequebo). Adult. General colour above black, the flight-feathers coarselymottled with brown and grey ; tail black with four mottled greybands, the tips of the feathers also slightly edged with giey ; toj) THKASAETUS. 1;).-). TJirustiiliiH lifirpi/ia.Fii;. )^.Vn sliow tlic occijiital crest. 2.)b BIRDS or BRITISH GUIANA. of head, throat, and neck all round, dark ash-grey, the long crest-featheis blackish ; chest black; abdomen and under tail-covertswhite ; thighs narrowly barred with dark brown ; lesser underwing-coverts black, more or less intermixed Avith white ; undersurface of quills and tail-feathers broadly banded with pale grey. Bill black ; fe^t yellow : iris brown, Total length JJO mm., culinen (excluding the cere) 51. wing GOO, tail 390, tarsus 124, middle toe and claw 114, hind claw withouttoe 70. The bird from which the description is taken was collected onthe Furuni River. Breeding-season. Unrecorded in British Guiana. Sest. Returns each year to the same nest to bre/d). Nests on the topmost branches of tall trees, the nestbeing as large as that of the large Mycteria (ScJiomburr/k). E(jfis. ?Two in number (C