. Die Suburbanite; eine Monatszeitschrift für diejenigen, die sind und diejenigen, die in Interesse an Vorstadthäusern sollte. Blaufisch in der Regel während des Sommers auftreten. Krabben sind im Überfluss zu haben, und insgesamt fehlt es wenig, um Perth Amboyan idealen Ort für eine Person, die das Wasser lieben zu machen. Aber das Wasser ist nicht das einzige, was Perth Amboy dem Unternehmen zu bieten hat. Es gibt viele gut gepflasterte und schön schattige Straßen; ein ex-cellent Wassersystem, das von thecity gehört wird,. Sieben öffentliche gi-ammar Schulen und High School, alle gut bewertet und in einem hohen Zustand der Leistungsfähigkeit, die Highschool ist auf Th
1967 x 1270 px | 33,3 x 21,5 cm | 13,1 x 8,5 inches | 150dpi
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. The Suburbanite; a monthly magazine for those who are and those who ought to in interested in suburban homes . bluefish generally occur duringthe summer. Crabs are to be had inabundance, and altogether there islittle lacking to make Perth Amboyan ideal place for a person who lovesthe water. But the water is not the only thingPerth Amboy has to offer to the com-muter. There are many well-pavedand beautifully shaded streets; an ex-cellent water system owned by thecity, .seven public gi-ammar schools anda high school, all well graded and in ahigh state of proficiency, the highschool being on the approved list of allthe leading colleges and universitiesin the country; a Carnegie free publiclibrary containing 20, 000 volumes; acity hospital; excellent churches ofall denominations; a first-class theateris now being erected, and will be openedthis fall; well-managed hotels with agarage and a post ofiice of the firstcla.ss, located in a handsome Federalbuilding erected about a vear ago ata cost of $70, 000. There are about ten miles of pavedstreets exclusive of the ordinarv ma- THE S I B r R B A N I T E. cadam. including asphalt, woodenblock, brick, and bitulithic. City HallPark, in which is located the bandstand, where free public concerts are given, isa pretty spot. Leading from this inone direction is High Street, with itsbeautifully teiraced residences, and atright angles going direct to the CentralRailroad station is Market Street, abroad, residential thoroughfare wellshaded and paved from curb to curbwith bitulithic. It makes a delightful drive, and gives the weary city manthe much needed restful feeling as hepa.sses from his train to his home. Rector Street, Lewis Street. GordonStreet, and Kearney Avenue aio allhandsome residential thoroughfares. Automobiling has come to be as popu-lar a pastime as boating in the last fewyears. There is no finer location forthis than at Perth Amboy. From herethe whole State of New Jersey spreadsout with macadam roads everywhere. THE S