. Die Struktur und Klassifizierung von Vögeln. Acter sind in der Definition festgelegt. Bei Schizorhis erhält man die normale Anordnung der Beinarterien. In Corythaix und Musophaga ist die A. femoralis dieone entwickelt. Der rechte Jugiolar ist der größte, und inCorythaix alhocristata scheint völlig verschwunden zu sein. In der Leber ist der rechte Lappen der größere,^ manchmal erheblich so. Die Gallenblase ist vorhanden, und manchmal verlängert in Form. Die Zunge ist kurz und dreieckig; der Proventriculus ist zonär, der Muskelmagen schwach. Die in-testines sind geräumig und kurz, ohne Cffica. Die folgenden
1388 x 1801 px | 23,5 x 30,5 cm | 9,3 x 12 inches | 150dpi
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. The structure and classification of birds . acters are statedin the definition. In Schizorhis the normal arrangement of the leg arteriesobtains. In Corythaix and Musophaga the femoral artery is theone developed. The right jugiolar is the largest, and inCorythaix alhocristata seemsto have entirely disappeared. In the liver the right lobe is the larger, ^ sometimesconsiderably so. The gall bladder is present, and sometimesis elongated in form. The tongue is short and triangular;the proventriculus is zonary, the gizzard weak. The in-testines are capacious and short, without cffica. The followingare a few measurements :— Cf. also partial persistence of basipterygoid processes in Phoenicophainse.^ The extinct Necrornis of French Miocene may be a Touraoo. The viscera are described by Owen for Corythaix porphyreolopha, P. Z. S1834, p. 3, and by Maetin for Corythaix Buffonii, ibid. 1836, p. 32. MUSOPHAGI L>83 Corythaix erythrolophus„ alhocristata„ persa Musophaga violacea. Schizorhis africanus 17 inches 18 „18 „18 „20 „. The windpipe of Corythaix persa is shghtly swollenalong its course, narrowing again at the bifurcation. It ismuch ossified. Counting asthe last tracheal ring that towhich the pessulus is attachedin front, the intrinsic musclesare inserted on to the thirdin front of this. The firsttwo bronchial semi-rings areossified; the third, betweenwhich and the second there isa considerable membranousinterval, is the first of thepurely cartilaginous series.The extrinsic muscles arestout, and arise seven or eightrings from the end of thetrachea, and pass at once to their insertion ; they run no distance along the trachea, as isso common. Musophaga has no intrinsic muscles ; Schizorhis has. As to muscles, the tensores patagii are very simple, andthe biceps slip is entirely absent. The tensor brevis sends off a wristward slip just beforeits insertion in both Musophaga and Corythaix ; ^ it isreinforced by a pectoral slip and by a fibrous slip from thehumer