. Die Straßenbahnbesprechung. Von Toledo auf den lioth Seiten des Flusses, nach Maumee City auf der einen Seite und nach Perrysluirg auf der anderen, mit einer Verlängerung von 13 Meilen zu Bowling Green. Die Sandusky, Milan & Norwalk Electric Railway war gezwungen, den Boden einer Eisenbrücke auf ihrer Linie zu stärken, indem sie Holzstringer unter jeder Schiene platzierte. Sie wurden aus 2-Zoll-Planken 14 Zoll breit angeschraubt soas zu lircak Gelenke aufgebaut. Nach Fertigstellung bildeten sie fortlaufende Girilers 10 x 14 in., die Gesamtlänge der Brücke verlängerend, 175 fl- auf Seite 36 der Überprüfung für Januar, 1S97, ^ Ansicht einer Platte g
1855 x 1346 px | 31,4 x 22,8 cm | 12,4 x 9 inches | 150dpi
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. The street railway review . running from Toledo on lioth sides of the river, toMaumee City on one side and to Perrysluirg on the other, with an extension of 13 miles to Bowling Green. The Sandusky, Milan & Norwalk Electric Railway wascompelled to strengthen the floor of one iron bridge on itsline by placing wooden stringers under each rail. Theywere built up of 2-in. planks 14 in. wide bolted together soas to lircak joints. When completed they formed continuousgirilers 10 x 14 in., extending the total length of the bridge, 175 fl- On page 36 of the Review for January, 1S97, ^ view ofa plate girder bridge built for the Aurora & Geneva Rail-way by the Wrought Iron Bridge Company of Canton, O.It is designed for a imiformly distributed load of 100 tons aconcentrated load of 50 tons. In reply to an inquiry the Second Avenue Traction Com-pany, of Pittsburg, states that it has built one bridge, adouble intersection through bridge designed for a live loadof i, Soo lbs. per lineal foot together with two cars 25 ft.. liROAD STREET BRIDGE, ATLANTA, GA. long, with y-ft. wheel base and weighing 12 tons each. Inold structures the trusses were generally found satisfactory, but the Hoor systems weak. The floor beams were strength-ened and 9-in. girder rails laid thereon, these being usedboth as rails and as girders. The rails are always used inas long lengths as possible. Up to spans of 10 ft. the railswere used as girders without trussing. For spans ofgreater length the rails were trussed and when thus strength-ened have been used for 17-ft. spans. The flooring wasrelaid with details of joists to suit the 9-in. girder rails.This company has found that these heavy and continuous9-in. rails very materially reduced the vibrations even ofapparently weak highway bridges, antl with the new floor-ing put the bridge in condition to better resist the shocksfrom general trathc. The Atlanta (Ga.) Consolidated Street Railway Com-pany as a consideration for the privilege of ecpiipping itslines