. Die Straßenbahnbesprechung . lver Spike und es wurde von einem silbernen Hammer angetrieben. Zusammenfassung einer pajxT rc.-id bei llio aiiDual coiivemion der Cinadian ELIC(rii-.ilAssociation. ToroBto, Juni. l»03. Die Cincinnati, Newport & Covington Railway Co. Haben kürzlich einen Stahlwassertank mit einer Kapazität von 15.000 Gallonen in der Mitte des Stausees, der die Kessel im Newport-Kraftwerk versorgt, installiert.Wenn der Tank überläuft, läuft das Wasser zurück in das Reservoir, anstatt zu verschwenden. Das Unternehmen verbraucht täglich mehr als 1.000 000 Gallonen Wasser. 20. Juni 1903.] STRASSENBAHNÜBERPRÜFUNG. 355 SEMI-KONVERTIERBAR
2357 x 1060 px | 39,9 x 17,9 cm | 15,7 x 7,1 inches | 150dpi
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. The street railway review . lver spike and it wasdriven by a siler hammer. Abstract of a pajxT rc.-id at llio aiiDual coiivemion of the Cinadian EliC(rii-.ilAssociation. ToroBto, June. l»03. The Cincinnati, Newport & Covington Railway Co. recently com-pleted a steel water tank of 15.000 gallons capacity in the center ofits reservoir which supplies the boilers in the Newport power house.When the tank overtlows the water runs back into the reservoirinstead of going to waste. The company uses more than 1, 000, 000gallons of water daily. June 20, 1903.] STREET RAILWAY REVIEW. 355 SEMI-CONVERTIBLE CARS FOR THE ARGEN-TINE REPUBLIC. The J. G. Brill Co., of Philadelphia, recciUly shipped si.K semi-convertihle cars to the Cia de Tramways Electricos dc Buciiui.yres. These cars are interesting on account of their remarkablylow window rail. The rail is lower by four inches than in the reg-ular semi-convertible car built by this eompany, and six inches lowerthan usual. This e-xtremely low rail was adopted because of the. IJKILL CAR IOK .VKC.ENTINE RKPUr.LlC. warm climate of Buenos Ayres making it desirable to have the carsas open as possible and still retain the solid sides. This form ofsemi-convertible car lends itself particularly well to such a modi-fication, since there are no wall window pockets to interfere with thedesired height of the window rail. .Ml that is necessary is to deepenthe roof window pockets to correspond with the increased depth ofthe sashes, and this does not cut down the width of the monitordeck appreciably; in this case the monitor deck has a clear width offour feet. It will be seen that an arm rest is required, as the win-dow rail comes several inches below the elbow of an adult. An armrest was therefore devised by the builders that exactly met therequirements of the case. Apparently such a thing is very simple, but in reality it must have been not a little puzzling, as the windowcatclies at both lower corners of the sash had to be taken into account;