. Die Straßenbahn Zeitschrift . ist-a-vis Sitze. Das private Abteil ist mit Mahagoni und sechs mit Plüsch bedeckten Drehstühlen ausgestattet. Die Gesamtkapazität dieser Fächer ist zweiundfünfzig. Der Bauherr verwendete für jede Ausrüstung eine andere Oberfläche, um den Eisenbahnern, die diesen Wagen inspizieren, die Möglichkeit zu geben, die verschiedenen Ergebnisse zu notieren, die durch die Verwendung verschiedener Hölzer erzielt wurden. Die Bahnsteige oder Vestibüle sind so konstruiert, dass ein oder zwei Betreiber je nach Bedingungen datieren und nicht für die Beförderung von Passagieren gemacht werden. Obwohl die Vorhalle ist etwas was
1290 x 1936 px | 21,8 x 32,8 cm | 8,6 x 12,9 inches | 150dpi
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. The Street railway journal . is-a-vis seats. The private compartment is finishedin mahogany, and is furnished with six plush-covered revolvingchairs. The total seating capacity of these compartments isfifty-two. The builder used a different finish for each compart-ment for the purpose of giving the railway men inspecting thiscar an opportunity to note the various results obtained by theuse of different woods. The car platforms, or vestibules, are constructed to accommo-date one or two operators, according to conditions, and are notmade to carry passengers. Although the vestibule is somewhatsmall there is enough room in the center to permit the motor-man to operate, and at the same time allow free passage to andfrom the car for other persons. The vestibules taper towardthe car ends so as to present the least possible air resistance. wheels are 36 ins. in diameter, steel tired, with M. C. B. stand-ard treads and flanges. The flange has been omitted on thecenter wheels to enable the trucks to take 60-ft. curves. The. FORWARD END OF CAR wheel base of the driving axles is 10 ft. 4 ins. The axles are6^2 ins. in diameter, with 5-in. x 9-in. journals. The weight ofeach truck is 19, 000 lbs.; weight of complete car, 76.000 lbs. April 30, 1904.] STREET RAILWAY JOURNAL. 669 FINANCIAL INTELLIGENCE Wall Street, April 27, 1904. The Money Market The two features of the weeks money market have been theheavy exports of gold on the one hand, and the further large re-ceipts of currency from domestic sources on the other hand. Theleading question now is how nearly these two movements are likelyto balance during the coming weeks. Hitherto income has verygreatly exceeded outgo. The Japanese gold consignments, comingtogether with the extraordinary return of cash from the interiorhas, notwithstanding the withdrawals of gold to Europe, raised thereserve holdings of the local banks to an unparalleled total. LastSaturdays statement showed a further gain of $11, 000, 000 in specieand legal tend