. Die Straßenbahn Überprüfung . n diese Brunnen variiert mit dem Fluss Ebene und isnever mehr als 10 ft. Unter dem Boden der Grube. In der pitis installiert ein Jet-Kondensator mit einem Dampf angetriebenen Luftpumpe mit einem Pumpenzylinder 24 x 12 Zoll Wasser fnmi die Brunnen fließt in den Kondensator, der Lift ist klein, wie zuvor. Stadtwasser wird für den Notfall zur Verfügung gestellt. . ein Teil des Abflusses aus der Kondensatorpumpe goesto eine Kochran-Vorlaufheizung, wo sie auf eine Temperatur von 200 Grad C erwärmt wird. Durch den Ablass aus der Kondensatorpumpe. Der Wasserstand in der Heizung wird durch ein automatisches Ventil geregelt
1492 x 1674 px | 25,3 x 28,3 cm | 9,9 x 11,2 inches | 150dpi
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. The street railway review . n these wells varies with the river level and isnever more than 10 ft. below the floor of the pit. In the pitis installed a jet condensor with a steam driven air pumphaving a pump cylinder 24 x 12 in. Water fnmi the wellsflows into the condenser, the lift being small, as statedbefore. City water is provided for emergency. . portion of the discharge from the condenser pump goesto a Cochran feed heater, where it is heated to a temperatureof 200° F. by the exhaust from the condenser pump. Thewater level in the heater is regulated by an automatic valve.The discharge not so needed is wasted through a 15-in. tilesewer put in by the company, and running two miles to theriver. ( )r(linarily the boilers are fed by a pump connected to theccinilenser pump shaft, but a 7J4 x 5 x 6 in. Worthingtonpump is placeil in the pit for feeding the boilers if for anyreason the other is out of service. A small Worthington pump is provided for draining asump iiUo which any water s])illeil in the pit drains.. STANDARD OPEN CAR. An exhaust pipe is carried outside the building and risesoutside the wall near the stack; this is for use when the en-gine has to be run non-condensing. An automatic valvemade by the Allis Co. turns the exhaust into this from thecondenser in event of the vacuum being lost. The foundation is in place at the north end of the pit fora duplicate condensing engine, w-hich will be installed whenthe second unit is added. May i.i, iKgt). STREET RAILWAY REVIEW. 299 riir (iiliiij; svsl(.ni is vtTv CDiiiplrh ami ccjiivriiiciil. Oilstorai;!. laiil^s an pPdviilril in tin- crllai al a puiiil jiisl ikhMIi(if llic iiiirlli wall of llif |)inn|) pit; |)ip(.-s lead up ami tcTiiii-iialr in Innnils in the cn^^inf nuiiii lliior so tliat harrcls of oilnia he rollc(| in and cniplicd inlo iIr lanl<s with the great-est ease; fioni lliesi tanks small Worthinj^Ion pumps forcethe oil to Iwii eylindrica! tanks iX in, x 60 in., suspended on tlie qa.st wall of the