. Die cyclopaedia von Anatomie und Physiologie. Anatomie, Physiologie, Zoologie. 578 CETACEA. teil. Die Bauchaorta schickt nicht alle externen iliacs aus, ist aber unter dem Schwanz in den Kanal der minderwertigen Prozesse weiter, woher seine Auswirkungen sind Dis-zurechnen, die Muskeln, die dieses Organ bewegen. Die Änderungen des venösen Systems sind in vielerlei Hinsicht vergleichbar mit der Arterien. Abb. 266. Das Verschwinden der posterioren Mitglieder der Menge an Blut im vascu-hat veranlasst, dass der Schiffe mit, die lar sollte System scheint zu sein PROPORTIONA
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. The cyclopædia of anatomy and physiology. Anatomy; Physiology; Zoology. 578 CETACEA. proportion. The abdominal aorta does not send off any external iliacs, but is continued underneath the tail in the canal of the inferior processes, from whence its ramifications are dis- tributed to the muscles which move this organ. The modifications of the venous system are in many respects analogous to those of the arteries. Fig. 266. The disappearance of the posterior members The quantity of blood contained in the vascu- has occasioned that of the vessels which should lar system appears to be proportionally much nourish those members ; and as the tail has greater than in the other Mammalia. attained a considerable development, the arte- [In the Porpesse the veins are almost univer- ries and veins which belong to this last part of sally devoid of valves, so that they can be as the trunk have been developed in the same easily injected from trunks to branches, as in the reverse direction. The plexiform disposi- tion which we have seen to characterize so many parts of the arterial system is still more strongly displayed in the venous. Thus in the system of the anterior vena cava, with the ex- ception of the trunk of that vein itself, and the short jugular veins which join it, an internal and an external jugular branch, and a pair of large subcutaneous veins, all the other parts of the system manifest the plexiform disposition. This is most remark- able in the large venous sinuses surrounding the central axis of the nervous system, which receives the intercostal veins, and by means of which the system of the anterior cava is chiefly brought into com- munication with that of the pos- terior cava ; for, as V. Baer has observed, there is no intercommu- nicating channel analogous to the vena azygos of the higher Mam- malia. Of the venous plexuses belong- ing to the system of the inferior cava, that which is found at the posterior parietes of the abdominal cavity extending from below t