. Die Burpee Folgendes 1902 Farm jährliche: Gemüse, Blumen und Samen. Baumschulen Pennsylvania Philadelphia Kataloge; Gemüse; Blumen Samen Samen Kataloge Kataloge; Lampen (Pflanzen) Kataloge. Andere Sommer - BLUMENZWIEBELN. AMARYLLIS Regina. Großen trompetenförmigen Flow-ers, leuchtend orange-roten. 15 cts.; 3 für 30 cts. APIOS Tuberosa { "Tuberöse verwurzelten Wisteria"). Kleinen Bären in der Nähe von Tief-violett Wisteria - wie Blumen, mit der zusätzlichen Attraktion der herrlichen Duft. 10 cts. Pro; 3 für 25 cts.; 7 für 50 cts. CALADIUM Esculentum, auch "Elephant Ohren bekannt. Eine sehr effektive
1387 x 1802 px | 23,5 x 30,5 cm | 9,2 x 12 inches | 150dpi
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. Burpee's 1902 farm annual : vegetable, flower and farm seeds. Nursery stock Pennsylvania Philadelphia Catalogs; Vegetables Seeds Catalogs; Flowers Seeds Catalogs; Bulbs (Plants) Catalogs. OTHER SUMMER-FLOWERING BULBS. AMARYLLIS Regina. Large trumpet-shaped flow- ers, bright orange-scarlet. 15 cts.; 3 for 30 cts. APIOS Tuberosa {"Tuberous-rooted Wisteria'"). Bears small close bunches of deep-purple Wisteria- like flowers, with the added attraction of delightful fragrance. 10 cts. each ; 3 for 25 cts.; 7 for 50 cts. CALADIUM Esculentum, also known as Elephant's Ears. A very effective plant. It is s u i t a b 1 e for eitherasingle plant on the lawn .masses in beds, or for mar- gins of water. Its very distinct apron - like leaves often attain the length of three feet by twent y inches wide. Bulbs can be stored in dry sand in winter, and kept from year to year. 15 cts. each ; 3 for 40 cts.; Si.50 per doz. CALADIUM, Fancy. CALADIUM ESCULENTUM. Leaved. Superbly orna- mental foliage plants suited for pot culture in the house or conser- vatory. Most desirable for their graceful growth and brilliant mark- ings. Fine mixed bulbs, 15 cts. each ; 3 for 40 cts. THE SPOTTED CALLA. Dark-green arrow-shaped leaves which are marked with silvery-white spots, most attractive and showy. 15 cts. each; 4 for 50 cts.; 9 for Si.00 ; $1.25 per doz., by mail, postpaid. CINNAMON VINE {Chinese Yam). A hardy climber with abundant dark-green foliage and late in the season bearing a profusion of small white flowers which exhale a delicious cinnamon fragrance. Strong tubers 5 cts. each ; 50 cts. per doz., postpaid. GLOXINIAS* This beautiful tropical flower is easily grown for flowering in pots during the summer. For cultural directions ask for our free Leaflet. Plants from bulbs will come into bloom more quickly than from seed. GLOXINIA, —Crassifolia grandiflora erecta. Grand large flowers, stiffly erect on long stems. Next to our Giant-flowered (see page 122) this mixture is the finest