Die Annalen des südafrikanischen Museums "MuseumAnnale van die Suid-Afrikaanse Museum" sind alle Süßwasserarten. Aurila dayii deutet auf eine salineere Umgebung hin, wie sie in Flussmündungen und Lagunen zu finden ist. Cyprideis Vgl. Limbocostata isan Einwohner von Brackwasser, Salzlagunen und Marschen. Speciesof Cyprideis hafft sowohl glatte Formen als auch Formen der Nodosis, aber die Anzahl der Dimorphe nimmt mit abnehmender Salinität ab (Benson 1961). Die Smoothtests von Cyprideis vgl. limbocostata bestätigen die Süßwasserart der Theassemblage. Da Süßwasser-Ostrakoden in w knapp sind
1312 x 1905 px | 22,2 x 32,3 cm | 8,7 x 12,7 inches | 150dpi
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Annals of the South African MuseumAnnale van die Suid-Afrikaanse Museum . similis, and Cypri-dopsis ochracea are all freshwater species. Aurila dayii suggests a more salineenvironment as found in estuaries and lagoons. Cyprideis cf. limbocostata isan inhabitant of brackish water, salt lagoons and marsh environments. Speciesof Cyprideis hae both smooth forms and nodose forms, but the number ofnodose dimorphs decreases with decreasing salinity (Benson 1961). The smoothtests of Cyprideis cf. limbocostata confirms the freshwater nature of theassemblage. Since freshwater ostracodes are scarce in waters more saline than 2(Benson 1961), the Cape Deseada assemblage must reflect low salinities con-sidering the abundance of these ostracodes. But gypsum will only precipitatefrom a brine at salinity of about 117%0, 3, 35 times that of normal sea-water.The apparent contradiction between the ostracode evidence and the gypsumeidence suggests a complex history of sea-water inflow, evaporation to dryness, and freshwater inflow (Fig. 9). 90 ANNALS OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN MUSEUM. Fig. 8. Distribution of ostracode and foraminifer faunas. PLEISTOCENE HISTORY AND COASTAL MORPHOLOGY 91 FORAMINIFERA Table 2Late Pleistocene Microfauna Sites 3 4 7 12 18 21 22 Quinqueloculina spp. 3 6 21 X X X Sigmoilina sp. X Frondicularia sp.. < 1 Lagena hexagona (Williamson) < 1 3 X X Lagena semistriata Williamson 7 3 Lagena cf. orbignyana (Seguenza) < 1 Lagena spp. 2 X X Bolivina variabilis (Williamson) < 1 23 Bulimina sp. 7 Rotalia beccarii (Linnaeus) . 69 73 X 46 15 X X X Elphidium alvarezianum (dOrbigny) 17 6 Elphidium macellum (Fichtel & Moll) 1 X 21 Elphidium spp. .... 21 50 X X X Cibicides cf. pseudoungeriana (Cushman) < 1 X Cibicides spp. . X Virgulina cf. advena Cushman 2 69 25 2 X OSTRACODA Eucypris sp. Paracypretta ampullacea Sars Cypridopsis ochracea Sars Pionocypris assimilis Sars Candona sp. Paracypris westfordensis Benson & Maddocks Aglaie/la railbridgensis Benson & Maddocks Cyth