. Die amerikanische Zeitschrift für Roentgoenology, Radium-Therapie und Nuklearmedizin . Dower Bronchovaskularisation Baum kann durch diesen Bereich durchsieden. In der lateralen Position ist dieser Bereich etwas posterior zum Herzen. Die Zökum-, Transversus- und Splenic-Flexure, außer bei hoher Position, sind normal.die Splenic-Flexure liegt sehr nahe am Areabut ist darunter. Die ösophageale Funktion ist normal. Das Thebarium tritt in den Magen knapp unterhalb des medialen Randes dieses Bereichs von hohem Licht ein. Es spritzt auf seine innere Oberfläche und entwässert Zwerchfellhernie ohne schwere Symptome 249 sofort in die Mitte po
1361 x 1837 px | 23 x 31,1 cm | 9,1 x 12,2 inches | 150dpi
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. The American journal of roentgenology, radium therapy and nuclear medicine . dlower bronchovascular tree can be seenthrough this area. In the lateral positionthis area is somewhat posterior to the heart. The cecum, transversus and splenic flex-ure, except for high position, are normal.The splenic flexure lies very close to the areabut is below it. The esophageal function is normal. Thebarium enters the stomach just below themedial margin of this area of high light. Itsplashes upon its inner surface and drains Diaphragmatic Hernia Without Severe Symptoms 249 out immediately into the middle portion ofthe stomach. There is a definite constric-tion just below the fundus (as this area isnow identified) between the upper andmiddle thirds of the stomach (Fig. 2)through which the barium trickles down intothe pars pylorica. The stomach canalizesreadily below the constriction. Th€ greatercurvature is on a level with the crests (Fig.3). The cap is triangular and normal inoutline. Pressure on the redundant pyloricantrum forces the barium back up throughthe constriction.. Dorsal Position.—In this position the areaof high light is completely filled with ba-rium. It is definitely pear-shaped in outline;the smaller end is about one inch from thespine. Prone Position.—In this position the areais well filled, but the pear shape is not so ap-parent. The whole of the stomach lies to theleft of the spine and its position from thispoint of observation has moved to upper partof abdomen. Contraction waves pass readilyover the prepyloric region (Fig. 4). As thepatient is gradually raised to an uprightposition the fundus empties, the level of thebarium becomes horizontal and it can beseen to enter the prepyloric antrum below, through the constriction. The left dome of the diaphragm cannot be positively identified. There was no retention. At the end ofthree hours the stomach was entirely emptyand after twenty-four hours the gastrointes-tinal tract was practically empty. From the above