. Die amerikanische Zeitschrift für Roentgoenologie, Radium-Therapie und Nuklearmedizin . sfree von Falten der Schleimhaut und diflerenten anatomischen Formen werden zu den Valvulae conniventes des 92 Mechanismus der Bewegung der Schleimhaut des Verdauungstraktes Duodenum und der Dünndarm zermürbt. Alle Gedanken an eine Änderung der Form der Faltender Schleimhaut, wegen ihrer eigenen Amovement, wurde völlig ignoriert. Aber eine genauere Untersuchung der Struktur des Reliefs der Falten der Membran des Darms onanatomische Präparate und auf dem livingdarmines wi
1914 x 1305 px | 32,4 x 22,1 cm | 12,8 x 8,7 inches | 150dpi
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. The American journal of roentgenology, radium therapy and nuclear medicine . sfree from folds of the mucous membrane, and diflerent anatomical forms are attrib-uted to the valvulae conniventes of the 92 Mechanism of Movement of the Mucous Membrane of the Digestive Tract duodenum and the small intestines. Allthought of a change of form of the foldsof the mucous membrane, on account of amovement of their own, has been com-pletely ignored. But a closer study of thestructure of the relief of the folds of themucous membrane of the intestines onanatomical preparations and on the livingintestines will give rise to another view. areas a and d of the lower preparation, it will be noted that in spite of the duo-denum having the same outer width, areaa has low, simple folds, few in number, anda wide lumen, whereas area d has high, complicated, closely-placed folds and inarrow lumen. These phenomena are not unique, butappear everywhere in well-conserved, ana-tomical preparations of the duodenum.The bulbus duodeni, which until now wassupposed to be free from folds, has a very. Flc. 8. A series ul Iniir roentgenograms of a ii..ini;ilduodenal bulb. Figure 7 shows two anatomical prepara-tions (2, 11) of the duodenum from pa-tients with normal intestinal canals, whodied of pneumonia. The preparationsrepresent the posterior half of the entireduodenum. The stomach is cut awaythrough the canalis pylori. (P, pylorus;B, bulbus duodeni.) The upper preparation on the pictureshows a bulb with smooth mucous mem-brane, as it is generally described. Inthe lower picture the mucous membrane inthe bulbus is deeply folded with cerebralgvrus-like folds. If comparisons are madebetween the diiferent areas of the sameduodenum, for instance, between the Fig. 0- A series oF four roentgenograms of a normalduodenal bulb and the superior part of the duodenum, made at two-minute intervals. changeable relief of the mucous membrane, similar to the entire duodenum. The depth and form of the relief of themucous me