DERFORATED METALLE" BERGBAU BILDSCHIRME DER SMITH PREMIER SCHREIBMASCHINE NEUE VICTOR Nr. 0 Galvanik Dynam Bromfield Straße. Boston Mass. N.Y.51 Ach'y Depot Brücke Store 16. Frankfort St. N.Y. NÄHMASCHINE MOTOR FÜR AMA-Teurs. - Von C. DParkhurst. Descripti auf einer sehr Sim 17'0'1'10 E. Hersteller, die nach zusätzlichen Geschäft zu Landis Patent Dampf und heißem Wasser Kühler hinzuzufügen. Eis - Boote - ihre Konstruktion EATIEIMEI Ta ROHRREINIGER RANK ZEIT HÖCHSTEN CHALMERS - SPENCE CO.Oflice. 59 Liberty Street. GHSOLINE EIGI S KLEIN ABER HUSTLERS. Läuft 100 Fuß shafting und ma chinery für 21.
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DERFORATED METALS' MINING SCREENS THE SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER NEW VICTOR No. 0 Electroplating Dynam Bromfield Street. Boston Mass. N. Y. 51ach'y Depot Bridge Store 16. Frankfort St. N.Y. SEWING MACHINE MOTOR FOR AMA teurs.-By C. DParkhurst. Descripti on of a very sim 17'0'1'10E. Manufacturers desiring to add additional business to Landis Patent steam and Hot Water Radiator. ICE-BOATS - THEIR CONSTRUCTION EATIEIMEI Ta TUBE CLEANER RANKS TIME HIGHEST CHALMERS-SPENCE CO. Oflice. 59 Liberty Street. GHSOLINE EIGI S SMALL BUT HUSTLERS. runs 100 feet of shafting and ma chinery for twenty machinists on 6 gallons of gasoline costing only 60 cents per day. Write for par CINCINNATI OHIO. ^OST PROPOSALS. Inventions Developed LIGHTNING WELL-SINKING MACHINERY MANUFACTURERS. The American Weil Works _ Aurora OIL WELL SUPPLY CO. Ltd. The Technical Works CHARLES T. DAVIS. A Practical Treatise on the Manufacture of Tiles Flooring Tiles Art Tiles Mosaic Plates and Imi tation of Intends or Inlaid Surfaces together with En Boo. Price 65.00 A Treatise on Steam Boiler Incrustation and Methods for Preventing Corrosion and the Formation of The Manufacture of Leather.-Being a descrip tion of all of the Processes for the Tanning Tawing Currying Finishing and Dyeing of every kind of Leath er; including the various Raw Materials and the Meth ods for Determining their Values the Tools. Machines. and all Details of Importance connected with an Intel ligent and Profitable Prosecution of the Art with Special Reference to the Best American Practice. By of the various Processes for the Fabrication. Coloring. Details. By Charles Thomas Davis. Illustrated by 180 TUE LITERA.TIIHE OF JUST READY. A New and Complete List of she Leading and HENRY CAREY BAIRD dr. CO. 810 Walnut St. Philadelphia Pa. U.S.A. HOW TO MAKE DYNAMO-ELECTRIC 0M.SEATING and MATERIALS for DYNAMOS PALMER BROS Manus Conn. BIT COMPLETE STEAM PUMP VARCULA'.- THE BOOK-KEEPER. THE BOOK-KEEPER CO. Detroit Mich. Ventilating and Drying FANS.