Der Wert der kleinen Erfindungen. Neue BÜCHER UND PUBLIKATIONEN. Dies scheint ein Versuch zu sein neues Leben in die Sterbenden blaues Glas mania durch die Produktion von einige angebliche Vorteile in gilt diese Zeit soll aus rotem Glas abgeleitet werden. Ein Gefühl der Pflicht, unsere Leser hat uns angespornt zu widmen einige völlig verschwendete Zeit zur Prüfung auf diese Arbeit, die wir nun auf den Papierkorb mit der Überzeugung, dass es enthält mehr Tiefe Quatsch als zu unserem Unglück in so wenigen Seiten zu finden - pleasonton's Buch nicht vorbehalten. Dies ist einer dieser sehr
Dieses Bild kann kleinere Mängel aufweisen, da es sich um ein historisches Bild oder ein Reportagebild handel
The Value of Small Inventions. NEW BOOKS AND PUBLICATIONS. This appears to be an attempt to galvanize new life into the moribund blue glass mania through the production of some alleged benefits to in valids supposed this time to be derived from red glass. A sense of duty to our readers has impelled us to devote some utterly wasted time to the examination of this work which we now consign to the waste basket with the conviction that it contains more profound bosh than it has ever been our misfortune to find in so few pages—Pleasonton's book not excepted. This is another one of those very valuable digests of special classes of inventions several of which works have already been prepared by gentle men connected as are the present authors with the United States Patent Office. We have no doubt but that this volume will prove exceedingly useful to inventors manufacturers and patent experts interested in Its subject-matter. It is admirably compiled and all the drawings are given complete on a reduced scale. We should like to see more digests of this work on car couplers for a long time. This volume purports to be a complete history of the progress of science and industry for the past year. It consists first of a series of summarized reviews by Professor Barker Dr. Dana Professor Holden and others and second of a compilation of receipts mostly from technical periodicals. DECISIONS OP THE COURTS. Supreme Court of the United States. [Appeal from the Supreme Court of the District of ColumbiaDecided October term 1876. The powers of the supreme court of the District of Columbia in patent cases are the same as those of the circuit courts of the united States. Upon a bill in equity for the infringement of a patent it is a matter of discretion and not of jurisdiction whether a case shall be first tried at of equity in patent cases are much less disposed than the English cour:s are to send parties to a jury before assuming to decide upon the merits. The jurisdiction of the circuit