Der russische Kronprinz Großherzog Zarjewitsch ALEXEI Nikolajewitsch ROMANOW (1904 - 1918 ). Das jüngste Kind und der einzige Sohn von Zar Nicholas II. Aus Russland und Alexandra Fjodorowna. Die Abhängigkeit seiner Mutter von den Starets Grigori Rasputin bei der Behandlung von Alexeis Hämophilie trug zum Ende des kaiserlichen Russlands bei. Seine Ermordung nach der russischen Revolution von 1917 führte zu seiner Heiligsprechung als leidenschaftlicher Träger der russisch-orthodoxen Kirche. Er war zwei Wochen vor seinem vierzehnten Geburtstag schüchtern, als er am 17. Juli 1918 im Keller des Ipatiev-Hauses in Jekaterinburg ermordet wurde. Das AS
3396 x 5158 px | 28,8 x 43,7 cm | 11,3 x 17,2 inches | 300dpi
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The russian crownprince Grand Duke Tsarevich ALEXEI Nikolaevich ROMANOV (1904 - 1918 ). The the youngest child and the only son of Tsar Nicholas II of Russia and Alexandra Fyodorovna . His mother's reliance on the starets Grigori Rasputin to treat Alexei's haemophilia helped bring about the end of Imperial Russia. His murder following the Russian Revolution of 1917 resulted in his canonization as a passion bearer of the Russian Orthodox Church. He was two weeks shy of his fourteenth birthday when he was murdered on July 17, 1918 in the cellar room of the Ipatiev House in Yekaterinburg. The assassination was carried out by forces of the Bolshevik secret police under Yakov Yurovsky. According to one account of the murder, the family was told to get up and get dressed in the middle of the night because they were going to be moved. Nicholas II carried Alexei to the cellar room. His mother asked for chairs to be brought so that she and Alexei could sit down. When the family and their servants were settled, Yurovsky announced that they were to be executed. The firing squad killed Nicholas, the Tsarina, and two of the servants first. Alexei remained sitting in the chair, "terrified, " before the assassins turned on him and shot. The boy remained alive and the killers tried to stab him multiple times with bayonets. "Nothing seemed to work, " wrote Yurovsky later. "Though injured, he continued to live." Unbeknownst to the killing squad, the tsarevich's torso was protected by a shirt wrapped in precious gems that he wore beneath his tunic. Finally Yurovsky shot the boy again and he fell silent. Rumors of Alexei's survival began to circulate when the bodies of his family and the royal servants were located. - foto storiche - foto storica - portrait - ritratto - Nobiltà - nobility - nobili - nobile - BELLE EPOQUE - RUSSIA - TZAR - RUSSIA - ROMANOFF - ROMANOV - ALESSIO - ALEXIEI - fur - pelliccia - child - children - bambino - bambini ---- ARCHIVIO GBB
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