. Der Physiologie der Tiere; ein Lehrbuch für tierärztliche und medizinische Studenten und Praktiker. Physiologie, Vergleichende; Haustiere. Funktionen OP das Rückenmark. 799 verschiedene Bundles: 1. Die mediane Bündel, die an der schwarzen Linie in der Abbildung dargestellt (Schwein. 340), tritt teilweise in direkter Verbindung mit den Zellen der anterioren Horn, während Teil durchläuft die graue Substanz der anterior Commissure und pass auf die andere Seite des Kabels, an Termi-nate, teilweise, in den Zellen der anterioren Horn auf dieser Seite und teilweise direkt in die vorderen weißen Colum übergeben
1477 x 1693 px | 25 x 28,7 cm | 9,8 x 11,3 inches | 150dpi
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. The physiology of the domestic animals; a text-book for veterinary and medical students and practitioners. Physiology, Comparative; Domestic animals. FUNCTIONS OP THE SPINAL CORD. 799 different bundles : 1. The median bundle, represented by the black line in the figure (Pig. 340), partly enters into direct union with the cells of the anterior horn, while part passes through the gray matter to enter the anterior commissure and pass to the opposite side of the cord, to termi- nate, in part, in the cells of the anterior horn on this side and partly to pass directly into the anterior white columns. 2. The central bundle of motor fibres passes in part through the anterior horn without forming any connection with its cells, to be lost in the posterior horn, where, in all probability, through union with ganglionic cells it is in communica- tion with the fibres of the posterior roots ; the other part of this bundle directly unites with the cells of the anterior horn. 3. The lateral bundle is likewise partly in direct communica- tion with the gray matter of the anterior horn and partly runs up in the lateral columns of the cord (Fig. 341). Further examinations of sections of the cord (right half of above figure) show that the direct and croxsed pyramidal tracts of opposite sides of the cord are in com- munication by means of fibres passing through the gray sub- stance into the anterior com- missure, and that the direct cerebellar column communi- cates with Clarke's gray col- umn and the latter with the column of Goll on the same side of the cord. Some of the fibres of the posterior roots pass upward in the posterior column. They thus form longitudinal commissures between the different ganglia and make up the greater part of the posterior columns. These commissural fibres are evidently concerned in upward conduction of sen- sations, for when the cord is divided they undergo ascending degeneration. The lateral fibres from the posterior root ascend obliquely and divide in the