Der Parkplatz des Rite Aid Ladens. Das Justizministerium gab heute bekannt, dass die Vereinigten Staaten eine Beschwerde wegen Intervention in einer Whistleblower-Klage eingereicht haben, die im Rahmen des False Claims Act (FCA) gegen Rite Aid Corporation und verschiedene Tochtergesellschaften (kollektiv Rite Aid) erhoben wurde, mit der Behauptung, dass Rite Aid wissentlich rechtswidrige Verschreibungen für kontrollierte Substanzen erfüllt habe. Neben den Behauptungen im Rahmen der FCA werden in der Beschwerde der Regierung auch Verstöße gegen das Gesetz über kontrollierte Substanzen (CSA) vorgebracht. Rite Aid ist mit über 2.200 Apotheken in 17 s eine der größten Apothekenketten des Landes
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Parking lot of the Rite Aid store. The Justice Department announced today that the United States has filed a complaint in intervention in a whistleblower lawsuit brought under the False Claims Act (FCA) against Rite Aid Corporation and various subsidiaries (collectively Rite Aid) alleging that Rite Aid knowingly filled unlawful prescriptions for controlled substances. In addition to alleging claims under the FCA, the government’s complaint also alleges violations of the Controlled Substances Act (CSA). Rite Aid is one of the country’s largest pharmacy chains, with over 2, 200 pharmacies in 17 states. “The Justice Department is using every tool at our disposal to confront the opioid epidemic that is killing Americans and shattering communities across the country, ” said Attorney General Merrick B. Garland. “That includes holding corporations, like Rite Aid, accountable for knowingly filling unlawful prescriptions for controlled substances.” “We allege that Rite Aid filled hundreds of thousands of prescriptions that did not meet legal requirements, ” said Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta. “According to our complaint, Rite Aid’s pharmacists repeatedly filled prescriptions for controlled substances with obvious red flags, and Rite Aid intentionally deleted internal notes about suspicious prescribers. These practices opened the floodgates for millions of opioid pills and other controlled substances to flow illegally out of Rite Aid’s stores.” “The opioid crisis has exacted a heavy toll on communities across the United States, ” said Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Brian M. Boynton, head of the Justice Department’s Civil Division. “Today’s complaint is an important reminder that the Justice Department will hold accountable any individuals or entities, including pharmacies, that fueled this terrible crisis.” “Pharmacies, physicians, corporations, and other health care entities that have contributed to the proliferation of opioids in our communities and the t
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