. Der Oöloge für den Schüler von Vögeln, ihre Nester und Eier . der zweite Satz von drei Eiern in 27 Jahren. Letztes Jahr schlüpfte dieses Paar drei Junge; ich fand den ersten am 12. März und jung waren aber ein paar Tage alt. Das Nest enthielt die Hinterhälfte von sechs vollen Grownweed Ratten, die alle in einer Reihe mit Tailshanging nach unten gelegt wurden. Kein Elternvogel wurde gesehen, aber ein niedriger Ruß, als ich das Nest inspizierte. Das Nest in diesem Jahr war 80 DAS OOLOGIST ^S^^O^ <?TVV etwa zweihundert Meter von dem von 1910. Die Eier sind die größten m myseries von zwölf Sets, alle außer zwei, von denen
1806 x 1384 px | 30,6 x 23,4 cm | 12 x 9,2 inches | 150dpi
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. The Oölogist for the student of birds, their nests and eggs . thesecond set of three eggs in twenty-seven years. Last year this pairhatched three young; I located thenest on March 12th and young werebut a few days old. The nest contain-ed the hind half of six full grownweed rats laid all in a row with tailshanging toward the bottom of thenest. No parent bird was seen, butheard one low hoot as I was inspect-ing the nest. The nest this year was 80 THE OOLOGIST ^S^^O^ <?tVv about two hundred yards from that of1910. The eggs are the largest m myseries of twelve sets, all except two, of which I have taken in this vicinity.On March 25th, 1911, took my ear-liest record of the Barred Owl. Thisset contained three eggs, two slightlyincubated, one fresh; and was placedin the hollow end of a branch of anelm tree, forty-five feet up. Eggs un-usually clean. My series of this spe-cie numbers twelve sets, all taken bymyself and these two Owls are becom-ing quite rare in this vicinity as prac-tically all the heavy timber is gone.Henry M. Beers, Bridgeport, Ct.. To^ /ie«*/.Closed a 0 V •V<C|- 1. 0 V No. £5.—Collapsible Egg Carrying Box.Folded Up. A collapsible Egg Box. When in the field during the breed-ing season, it has always been difF...;;; to get a collecting box that would beboth light, convenient to carry, andample enough to provide space for agood days work. Last season I hit upon an idea, theworking out of which was very suc-cessful. The accompanying diagramswill show at a glance the whole con-trivance. It consists simply of 3, 4, or 5 boxes, fitting one within the other{Fig. 1) and a couple of straps to holdthem together. Fig. 2 shows the box closed, andthe boxes may be filled one at a timeuntil all are filled (Fig. 3). Bothlarge and small eggs can be packedat a saving of space and number ofboxes, with no danger of breakage.D. I. Shepardson. fi 0o o ) 0 o I ooo 1 v^v .0. 96. Sl2Lc i/xivj-.o-u boxes fwM. Collapsible Egg Carrying Box.Extended. THE OOLOGIST *Th