2750 x 909 px | 23,3 x 7,7 cm | 9,2 x 3 inches | 300dpi
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. The oist . iper, Spotted 50, 68 Shrike, White-rumped 51 Sora 151 Sparrow, Clay-colored 177, 197 Sparrow, English. 131 Sparrow, Field 131 Sparrow, Fox 131 Sparrow in Southern Minnesota, Clay colored 197 Sparrow. Lincolns 10 Sparrow, Song 131 Sparrow, Tree 130 Swallow, The Cliflf 65 Swift, Chimney 104, 129 Teal, Blue-winged 132 Tern, Black 132 Tern, Forsters 133 Thrush, The Russet-backed 180 Thrush, Wilsons 131 Towhee, California 80 Towhee, Spurred 29 Vulture Black 47 Vulture, Turkey 46 Warbler, Nesting of theJBlue-winged.SO Warbler, Pileolated .29 Warbler, The Worm-eating 35 Warblers in North Carolina, The Hooded and Pine 30 Water-thrush, Notes on the Louis-iana 49 Waxwing, The Cedar 34 Whip-poor-will When Calling, The Attitude of the 81 Winter Birds of Yates Co , N. Y., Some 193 woodcock in Southern Wisconsin, Nesting of the American 45 Woodcock, The American 67, 129 Woodpecker, Downy 96 Woodpecker, Red-bellied 116 Woodpecker, Red-headed. 52, 96 Wren, Long-billed Marsh 183 Yellowlegs, Lesser 120. GIST. A MONTHLY PUBLICATION DEVOTED TO OOLOGY, ORNITHOLOGY AND TAXIDERMY. VOL. XVI. NO. 1. ALBION, N. Y., JAN., 1899. Whole No. 150 Wants, Exchanges, and For Sales. Brief special announcements, Wants, Exclianges For Sales, Inserted In this departmenttor 25c per 25 words. Notices over 25 words, charged at the rate of one-half cent per each additionalword. No notice Inserted for less than 25c. Terms, cash with order. Strictly Flrst-claas specimens will be accepted In payment at one-third list rates. Whats Your Number? Examine the number following your nameon the wrapper of this months Oologist. Itdenotes when your subscription expired JOrwin expire. No. 150 your subscription expires with this Issue155 • June 160 • Nov. Intermediate numbers can easily be deter-mined. If we have you credited wrong wewish to rectify. DO YOU WANT unheard of bargains inchoiee skins, sets, mounted specimens, etc? Ifso let me know your wants. 1 may save youmoney. B. S. BOWDISH, Phelps. N. Y. W