Der Königsfischer versucht, mit einem Fisch im Schnabel zu bremsen. BEDFORDSHIRE, ENGLAND. ATEMBERAUBENDE BILDER, die von einem Hundeführer gemacht wurden, zeigen einen Königsfischer, der in den Wind schlägt
The kingfisher tries to slow down with a fish in its beak BEDFORDSHIRE, ENGLAND STUNNING IMAGES taken by a dogwalker show a kingfisher smashing into water as it homed in on it?s meal like a missile. The images show the kingfisher stirring up an elegant cloud of water droplets as it dives in and out of the water for fish. Once kingfishers spot a fish, they dive headfirst at speeds of up to 25 mph, folding their wings tight against the sides of their bodies as they plunge into the water, catching fish in the blink of a human eye. The stunning photographs were captured by logistics manager Warren Price (53) from Bedfordshire, England, who took the images on his Canon R5 at a local stream while he walked his dog. ?The kingfishers were diving for fish, it happens in a fraction of a second so it takes a little luck and a lot of planning, ? said Warren. ?The birds were hitting the water at incredible speeds and with huge power for their size. ?The kingfisher takes a little over a second from leaving the perch to dive, to returning to the perch after capturing the fish. ?I like the shots that capture the energy of the dive with the water droplets. ?I am pleased but always looking for improvements in my next image.? ENDS