Der ANWALT DER INDUSTRIE UND JOURNAL FÜR MECHANISCHE UND ANDERE VERBESSERUNGEN. Band X.1 NEW-YORK 30. JUNI 1855. Verbesserung der galvanischen Batterien. T ER VERÖFFENTLICHT wöchentlich auf 128 Fulton Street. New York (Sun Gebäude.) DURCH MUNN eft Unternehmen. A. Winde Philadelphia. Z. B. Fuller Halifax N. S. In Az Monate. Verbesserung der galvanischen Batterien. Die begleitenden Gravuren stellen eine Verbesserung im Anschluss Klemmen für die Platten von galvanischen Batterien, für die ein Pa-Zelt zu Charles T. Chester dieser Stadt (New York) am 15. Mai letzten Jahres erteilt wurde. Das Wesen der Erfindung besteht in der
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THE ADVOCATE OF INDUSTRY AND JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC MECHANICAL AND OTHER IMPROVEMENTS. VOLUME X.1 NEW-YORK JUNE 30 1855. IMPROVEMENT IN GALVANIC BATTERIES. T HE PUBLISHED WEEKLY At 128 Fulton Street. N.Y. (Sun Buildings.) BY MUNN eft COMPANY. A. Winch Philadelphia. E.G. Fuller Halifax N. S. In Az months. Improvement in Galvanic Batteries. The accompanying engravings represent an improvement in connecting clamps for the plates of galvanic batteries for which a pa tent was granted to Charles T. Chester of this City (New York) on the 15th of last May. The nature of the invention consists in the use and combination of brass clamps with insulated wooden supports so that the plates immersed in the exciting fluid are insulated from each other thus preventing local ac tion while at the same time the plates can be removed cleaned and replaced or their size increased or diminished without stopping the action of the battery. Fig. 1 is a perspective view of one modifi cation of the improvement connected to :the plates without the cups ; and fig. 2 is anoth er modification of it applied to a battery of five cups ; T T represent the cups ; P P rep resent the platina and Z Z the amalgamated zinc plates. A is a piece or strip of highly Insulated woodlaviag secured to it on op posite sides (fig. 1) metal clamps B for holding the zinc and platinized plates Z P. These are secured in position by thumb screws as shown and the connection between the clamps is made with stout copper wires CO. S S represent binding screws for mhk ing the circuit connections with wires from one liattery to another. In fig. 2 A repre sents the same insulated wooden bar but the clamps are all on one side of it and no wire connections like C C (fig. 1) are used. Each clamp has two screws for binding the plates the one for a platina plate P in one cup and the other for a zinc plate Z in another cup as shown and thus no two plates in one cup have a metallic connection. The plates are varnished above the liquid in