. Das Straßenbahnjournal . e anderes Set zeigt den Strom, der von dem gleichen Auto über die gleichen Teile der Strecke ohne Auto-Motoneer, aber mit sorgfältiger Handhabung des Controllers genommen wird. Diese werden hier nicht reproduziert wegen der großen Zahl, die erforderlich wäre, um einen intelligenten Vergleich zu machen, aber die Spitzenströme sind in der Regel niedriger mit dem Automotoneersin Service, und die Amperestunden werden angegeben, um 28 Prozent niedriger. Abb. 1 ist jedoch gegeben, um einen Vergleich der conditions mit dem Automotoneer im Einsatz und mit einem careleshandling der Steuerung zeigen. In diesem letzteren Fall
1844 x 1355 px | 31,2 x 22,9 cm | 12,3 x 9 inches | 150dpi
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. The Street railway journal . e other set shows the current taken by thesame car over the same portions of the route without the auto-motoneer but with careful handling of the controller. Thesecurves are not reproduced here because of the great numberthat would be required to make an intelligent comparison, butthe peak currents are generally lower with the automotoneersin service, and the ampere-hours are stated to be 28 per centlower. Fig. 1, however, is given to show a comparison of theconditions with the automotoneer in use and with a carelesshandling of the controller. In this latter case the highest peakcurrents are respectively 160 amps, and 110 amps. The formeris over 45 per cent larger than the latter, and the advantagethus resulting from the use of the automcconeer is gainedwithout interfering with the cars operating schedule. Theampere-hours represented by those two curves are respectively0.4 amp.-hour and slightly over 1 amp.-hour, and the auto-motoneer, therefore, reduced the power consumption for this. 100 sou 000 soo 1000Distance in Feet 1200 1400 1G00 troller from the off to the full on position it may ordinarilybe expected that between 5 seconds and 6 seconds will be con-sumed by the motorman in starting. This time is dividedfairly uniformly between the several points of the controller, and the result conduces to a smooth acceleration and an eco-nomical start. The tests indicate that the car gets under wayso promptly and so quickly comes to a full speed, that the auto-motoneers cause no loss of schedule-keeping power. A ma-terially slower operation of the automotoneers would still givesatisfaction in this respect under the traffic conditions inMadison. Fig. 2 exhibits a curve showing a start and emergency stopwith automotoneers in use. It is to be noted that the car cameto a speed of over 15 m. p. h. in the space of 100 ft., or a littleover three car lengths. The car came to a speed of 20 m. p. h.in 16 seconds in a distance of 290 ft., and to 18% rn.