4016 x 6016 px | 34 x 50,9 cm | 13,4 x 20,1 inches | 300dpi
18. März 2021
Dean Cemetery, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
Weitere Informationen:
The Celtic Cross in the Dean Cemetery, Edinburgh, contains the following inscription, "In memory of Lieut. John Irving R.N. H.M. Ship Terror. Born 1815. Died in King William's Land 1848-9. Her Majesty's Ships Erebus and Terror left England in May 1845 under command of Sir John Franklin KCB to explore a North West passage to the Pacific. After wintering 1845-6 at Beechey Island they sailed south down Franklin's Strait and entered the NW Passage. Having been beset with ice for two years Sir J. Franklin, 8 other officers and 15 seamen having died, the survivors, 105 in number, Lieut. Irving being one, landed on King William's Land and attempted to march to Canada but all died from cold and want of food. In 1879 Lieut. Scwatka of the American searching expedition discovered Lieut. Irving's grave. Through his kindness the remains of this brave and good officer were brought away and were deposited here on the 7th January 1881."
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