CSIs examine crime scenes to gather forensic evidence that will ultimately lead to the detection and prosecution of criminals. CSIs are not police officers, they are support staff: civilians who are employed by police forces. A Police CSI unit provides cover 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. CSIs are trained to identify, record and recover forensic evidence from all types of crime, ranging from criminal damage, burglary and vehicle crime (known as volume crime) to more serious crime types including arson and murder. However, a CSI could be asked to attend almost any incident where the potential for forensic evidence has been identified. Unlike CSI Miami CSIs in Cheshire do not analyse evidence themselves or arrest criminals! CSIs use a wide variety of techniques and equipment to recover forensic evidence. This may include recording the crime scene by taking photographs, powdering for offender’s fingerprints, searching for footprints or marks left by tools, taking swabs of blood or collecting fibres, hair, paint or glass.