Computerdarstellung der Hefe- und Hyphen-Stadien von Candida-Pilzen. Ein hefeähnlicher Pilz, Candida albicans tritt häufig auf der menschlichen Haut, in den Upp
Computer illustration of the yeast and hyphae stages of Candida fungi. A yeast-like fungus, Candida albicans commonly occurs on human skin, in the upper respiratory, alimentary and female genital tracts. This fungus has a dimorphic life cycle with yeast and hyphal stages. The yeast produces hyphae (strands) and pseudohyphae. The pseudohyphae can give rise to yeast cells by apical or lateral budding. It causes candidiasis which includes thrush (an infection of the mouth and vagina) and vulvo-vaginitis. Another species, C. auris was first identified in 2009 and causes serious multidrug-resistant infections in hospitalized patients and has high mortality rates, including bloodstream, wound and ear infections, and has also been isolated from respiratory and urine specimens. Most C. auris infections are treatable with antifungals from the echinocandin group of drugs.