Chinesische Bauer Liu Zhiping Kontrollen Tremella mesenterica, besser bekannt als gelbe Gehirn oder Hexen "Butter, im Wert von über einer Million yuan ($ 145174 bekannt
Chinese farmer Liu Zhiping checks tremella mesenterica, more commonly known as yellow brain or witches' butter, worth above one million yuan ($ 145174) on basswood in Zhangjieba village, Lianghekou town, Lueyang county, Hanzhong city, northwest China's Shaanxi province, 21 May 2017. Chinese farmer Liu Zhiping grew tremella mesenterica on basswood in Zhangjieba village, Lianghekou town, Lueyang county, Hanzhong city, northwest China's Shaanxi province, 21 May 2017. Liu grew Tremella mesenterica on 15, 000 pieces of basswood, which is worth above one million yuan ($ 145174). Tremella mesenterica, more commonly known as yellow brain or witches' butter, are pustular to pulvinate (cushion-shaped) in some shapes. In others they may be variously lobed, cephaliform (like a brain, with folds and ridges), or foliose (with leaf-like or seaweed-like fronds). Fruit bodies (when present) of them are gelatinous.