Chemische Vortrags-Experimente. Sbestos; NH3-Versorgung. 34. Elektrolyse von Ammoniumhydroxid. - Ammoniak wird bei Elektrolyse in die Elemente Wasserstoff und Stickstoff zersetzt. Starkes Ammoniumhydroxid, dem etwas natrium-chlo-Ride hinzugefügt wurde, um der Lösung Leitfähigkeit zu verleihen, wird in den elektrolytischen Apparat gegossen (Abb. 46, S. 95) undzersetzt durch einen Strom von vier bis sechzig Zellen. Platin-Elektroden müssen verwendet werden. In Kürze wird Gas an beiden Armen des Thetubes im Verhältnis von drei Volumina im Einarm zu einem Volumen im anderen gesammelt. Der largervolu
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Chemical lecture experiments . sbestos ; NH3 supply. 34. Electrolysis of ammonium hydroxide. — Ammonia isdecomposed into the elements hydrogen and nitrogen whensubjected to electrolysis. Strong ammonium hydroxide, to which some sodium chlo-ride has been added to give conductivity to the solution, ispoured into the electrolytic apparatus (Fig. 46, p. 95) anddecomposed by means of a current of from four to sixcells. Platinum electrodes must be used. In a shorttime gas will be collected at both arms of thetube in the proportion of three volumes in onearm to one volume in the other. The largervolume of gas can be tested and shown to behydrogen by opening the gas-cock and applyinga match. The sodium chloride in the solutionwill, however, impart a yellowish color to the jrIG# §9flame. The smaller volume of gas can be trans-ferred to a test-tube in the manner shown in Fig. 89, andproved to be nitrogen by extinguishing a match. 2NH3 = N2 + 3H2. Electrolytic apparatus (Fig. 46, p. 95); battery 6 cells; con.NH4OII ; NaCl.. 202 CHEMICAL LECTURE EXPERIMENTS 35. Quantitative decomposition of ammonia by chlorine. — Chlorine acts on ammonium hydroxide with the forma-tion of hydrochloric acid and the liberation of nitrogen.Chlorine abstracts the hydrogen from ammonia, and conse-quently for every three volumes of chlorine used one volumeof nitrogen is liberated. The eudiometer (Fig. 11, p. 26) is filled over a salt solu-tion with a rapid stream of pure chlorine. When the tubeis completely filled, a well-fitting rubber stopper is crowdedinto the open end of the tube while still under the saltsolution, care being taken to enclose no liquid in the tube.A few cubic centimeters of strongest ammonium hydroxideare then allowed to flow through the funnel into the gas, though the stop-cock must be but slightly turned. As theammonia comes in contact with the chlorine, the reaction isvery vigorous and, owing to the condensation in gas volume, apartial vacuum is produced inside the tube. Th