. Buch der Royal Blue . Rot auf oder in der Nähe der Linien der Baltimore & Ohio Railroad während des Ciril-Krieges. Die Coveris lithographiert in auffallenden Farben, mit einer allegorischen Darstellung der Q. A. R. Parade vorbei an der Capitolin Grand Review. Eine detaillierte Karte in Farben zeigt die Lage der wichtigsten Schlachtfelder vom Ohio RiverEast bis Washington, und vom Gettysburg Feld bis zum Appomattox River. Andere authentische Karten zeigen die Positionen der Armeen auf den Feldern von Gettysburg und Antietam. Eine knappe Beschreibung des Territoriums und der Schlachten wird in möglichst wenigsten Worten gegeben. Nein, nein
1137 x 2198 px | 19,3 x 37,2 cm | 7,6 x 14,7 inches | 150dpi
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. Book of the Royal blue . red on or near the lines of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad during the Ciril War. The coveris lithographed in striking colors, with an allegorical representation of the Q. A. R. parade passing the Capitolin grand review. A detailed map in colors shows the location of principal battlefields from the Ohio Rivereast to Washington, and from the Gettysburg field to the Appomattox River. Other authentic maps show thepositions of the armies on the fields of Gettysburg and Antietam. A concise description of the territory andbattles is given in the fewest possible words. No less than 179 battles were fought in this region, to saynothing of the various skirmishes. A complete Guide to Washington closes its pages, making the book absolutely indispensable to thesoldier who contemplates attending the great encampment. The pamphlet is free to all on application toprincipal ticket offices of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. In making application in writing, enclose two-centstamp to cover postage.. THE MARTYRDOM OF THREE HEROES OF THE CIVIL WAR. BV COL. ALEXANDER K. M tLURE IN CHICAGO INTER OCEAN. GREAT achievements in war or pe^ceaKvays develop the desperate strug-gles of ambition and violence ofpassion which seek to dim the lustre oftho.se who have been most successful. Thelong and bitter Schley controversy, which, however regarded as a closed incident bythe authorities at Washington, is still avital issue with the great mass of the people, is a pointed illustration of the penaltieswhich are inseparable from those whoattain pre-eminence. It is only in time ofwar, when political issues are likely to besubordinated to the overshadowing issue ofpublic safety, that great wrongs can becommitted upon individuals of heroicachievement, and be sustained, or at leasttolerated, for a time by the public senti-ment that so often asserts its omnipotencein revising the acts of its rulers. There were three conspicuous instancesin which personal degradation was officiallyinfli