. Biologie der Meere der UDSSR Meeresbiologie - Sowjetunion; Hydrologie - Sowjetunion. 640 BIOLOGIE DER MEERE DER UDSSR Acipenseridae 7 und mit Zander 3-3. Mit Acipenseridae Intraspezifische Konkurrenz liegt im Durchschnitt bei 133, 101; intrageneric mit Zander44, mit cyprinoids 7 und mit lotidae 5 (konventionelle Einheiten). Durch die Konkurrenz zwischen Golden shiner und Vobla wird weniger intensiv und die zwei Diäten mehr ähnlich. Im Juni die Fütterung der zwei Fische wird intensiver und der Wettbewerb verschärft wird, während der Zufall, der die Diät viel l ist
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. Biology of the seas of the U.S.S.R. Marine biology -- Soviet Union; Hydrology -- Soviet Union. 640 BIOLOGY OF THE SEAS OF THE U.S.S.R. Acipenseridae 7, and with pike perch 3-3. With Acipenseridae intraspecific competition is on the average 133, intrageneric 101; with pike perch 44, with cyprinoids 7, and with Gobiidae 5 (conventional units). By May the competition between golden shiner and vobla becomes less intensive and the two diets become more similar. In June the feeding of the two fish becomes more intensive and the competition is more acute, while the coincidence of the diet is much lessened. By August the intensity of the com- petition continues to grow, and both the amount and the intensity are increased. Schorygin gives (Fig. 302a) a general picture of the dynamics of the food relationship between the two forms of fish. By the summer feeding and intensity of competition increase, but the two diets become less similar, since. Fig. 302a. Diagram of food correlation of two fish (Schorygin): 1 Feeding ground coincidence; 2 Competition intensity; 3 Competition tension; 4 Volume of competition. the two fish have by then driven each other away to feed on different organ- isms. The force of competition remains practically the same, with a decrease in the coincidence of the diet and a corresponding growth of competition. At the same time, although the two species begin to feed in different areas, the force of the rivalry between them begins to grow. Then, if the intensity of com- petition still increases its force begins to grow rapidly and a complete (forced) divergence may take place both as regards food and feeding grounds; following a decrease in intensity of competition the reverse process may take place. The degree of elasticity in the diet of different breeds of fish plays an important part in the course of these changes. Schorygin has also tried to evaluate this latter. The degree of stability of the diet of a definite fish in different seasons and areas