Bildnummer: 60614324 Datum: 17.10.2013 Copyright: imago/Xinhua Touristen besuchen die Chan Chan Ruinen in Trujillo, Peru, 17. Oktober 2013. Chan Chan Chan im Norden Perus war die Hauptstadt des Chimu-Reiches, des Hauptstaates Perus vor der Gründung des Inka-Reiches. Das Königreich Chimu erreichte im 15. Jahrhundert den Höhepunkt seiner Macht, kurz bevor es unter die Inkas fiel. Das Zentrum der Stadt ist in mehrere ummauerte Zitadellen unterteilt, die jeweils aus lehmziegeln gebaut wurden und in denen Tempel, Friedhöfe, Gärten, Stauseen und symmetrisch angeordnete Räume untergebracht sind
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Bildnummer: 60614324 Datum: 17.10.2013 Copyright: imago/Xinhua Tourists visit the Chan Chan Ruins in Trujillo, Peru, Oct. 17, 2013. Located in northern Peru s Trujillo, Chan Chan was the capital of the Chimu kingdom, the chief state in Peru before the establishment of the Inca Empire. The Chimu kingdom reached the height of its power in the fifteenth century, not long before falling under the Incas. The center of the city is divided into several walled citadels , each constructed out of adobe brick, and each containing temples, cemeteries, gardens, reservoirs and symmetrically arranged rooms. Because these remnants of a complex culture and society require continuous protection from natural erosion, the abandoned and fragile site of Chan Chan was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1986. Meantime, the property was placed on the List of World Heritage in Danger because of the precarious state of conservation of the earthen architecture and its vulnerability to the extreme climatic events caused by El Nino phenomenon that affects the northern coast of Peru. Furthermore, the ruins were threatened by endemic plundering of archaeological remains, and by the proposed construction of a road crossing the site. (Xinhua/Zhang Chuanqi) PERU-WORLD HERITAGE-CHAN CHAN RUINS PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN Gesellschaft xsp x0x 2013 quer 60614324 Date 17 10 2013 Copyright Imago XINHUA tourists Visit The Chan Chan Ruins in Trujillo Peru OCT 17 2013 Located in Northern Peru S Trujillo Chan Chan what The Capital of The Chimu Kingdom The Chief State in Peru Before The Establishment of The Inca Empire The Chimu Kingdom reached The Height of its Power in The fifteenth Century Not Long Before Falling Under The Incas The Center of The City IS Divided into several Walled each constructed out of Adobe Brick and each containing Temples cemeteries Gardens Reservoirs and Rooms because Thesis Remnants of a Complex Culture and Society require continuous Protection from Natural Erosion The Aban
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