Bildnummer: 59903247 Datum: 26.06.2013 Copyright: imago/Xinhua (130626) -- GUATEMALA CITY, 26. Juni 2013 (Xinhua) -- Bild vom 20. Juni 2013 von Manuel de Jesus Ramos (C), 19 Jahre alt, der durch die Straßen von La Comunidad spaziert, gilt als einer der gewalttätigsten in Guatemala City, Guatemala. Am 2009 wurde Manuel de Jesus Opfer eines bewaffneten Angriffs mit seiner Familie, bei dem seine Eltern und ein Bruder starben, während er einen Kugelschlag erhielt, der durch seinen Schädel ging und ihn verblindete. Seit 2013 besucht Manuel de Jesus das Blind Persons Integral Rehabilitation Center (CRI) für sein Akro
Dieses Bild kann kleinere Mängel aufweisen, da es sich um ein historisches Bild oder ein Reportagebild handel
Bildnummer: 59903247 Datum: 26.06.2013 Copyright: imago/Xinhua (130626) -- GUATEMALA CITY, June 26, 2013 (Xinhua) -- Image of June 20, 2013 of Manuel de Jesus Ramos (C), age 19, walking through the streets of La Comunidad neighborhood, considered as one of the most violent in Guatemala City, Guatemala. On 2009 Manuel de Jesus was victim of an armed attack with his family, in which his parents and a brother died, while he received a bullet impact that went through his skull and blinded him. Since 2013, Manuel de Jesus attends the Blind persons Integral Rehabilitation Center (CRI, for its acronym in Spanish) of the Pro Blind and Deaf Committee of Guatemala, to receive therapy that will allow him to live independently. According to the CRI, there s an increase in the violence cases of blindness, of which, 80% are caused by firearm injuries. (Xinhua/Luis Echeverria) (rt) (rh) GUATEMALA-GUATEMALA CITY-SOCIETY-DISABILITY-SERIES PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN Gesellschaft Behinderung blind Blindheit Fotostory sw xas x0x 2013 quer 59903247 Date 26 06 2013 Copyright Imago XINHUA Guatemala City June 26 2013 XINHUA Image of June 20 2013 of Manuel de Jesus Ramos C Age 19 Walking Through The Streets of La Comunidad Neighborhood considered As One of The Most Violent in Guatemala City Guatemala ON 2009 Manuel de Jesus what Victim of to Armed Attack With His Family in Which His Parents and a Brother died while he received a Bullet Impact Thatcher Went Through His Skull and Blinded HIM Since 2013 Manuel de Jesus Attends The Blind Persons Integral Rehabilitation Center CRI for its acronym in Spanish of The pro Blind and Deaf Committee of Guatemala to receive THERAPY Thatcher will Allow HIM to Live According to The CRI There S to Increase in The Violence Cases of Blindness of Which 80 are CAUSED by Firearm XINHUA Luis Echeverria RT Rh Guatemala Guatemala City Society Disability Series PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN Society Disability Blind Blindness Photo Story black and white x0x 2013 hor
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