Bildnummer: 59110728 Datum: 20.01.2013 Copyright: imago/Xinhua Tausende Ultra-orthodoxe Juden nehmen an einer Kundgebung Teil, die am 20. Januar 2013 im ultraorthodoxen Jerusalemer Stadtteil MEA Shearim stattfand, um den Großrabbiner der Satmarer hassidischen Dynastie Rabbi Zalman Leib Teitelbaum aus Amerika zu begrüßen. Lokale Medien berichteten, dass die massive Versammlung aufgerufen wurde, gegen die Teilnahme an den Parlamentswahlen am Dienstag zu demonstrieren, und den Tausenden von Teilnehmern wurde gesagt, dass sie bei der bevorstehenden Abstimmung nicht wählen sollten. Satmar ist eine heftig antizionistische hassidische Gruppe und ihre Führer sehen jede Interaktion W
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Bildnummer: 59110728 Datum: 20.01.2013 Copyright: imago/Xinhua Thousands of Ultra-Orthodox Jews take part in an rally organised to welcome the visiting Grand Rabbi of the Satmar hassidic dynasty Rabbi Zalman Leib Teitelbaum from America in Jerusalem s ultra-Orthodox neighborhood of Mea Shearim on Jan.20, 2013. Local media reported the massive gathering was called to demonstrate against participation in Tuesday s general election, and the thousands of attendees were told not to vote in the upcoming ballot. Satmar is a fiercely anti-Zionist hassidic group and its leaders view any interaction with the State of Israel as prohibited, due to the secular foundations of its laws and an interpretation of a Talmudic passage which they say forbids Jews from setting up a sovereign state in the Land of Israel before the arrival of the Messiah. MIDEAST-JERUSALEM-RELIGION-RALLY PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN Gesellschaft Religion Jude Judentum Empfang xac vsw 2013 quer Ultraorthodox 59110728 Date 20 01 2013 Copyright Imago XINHUA thousands of Ultra Orthodox Jews Take Part in to Rally organized to Welcome The Visiting Grand Rabbi of The Hassidic Dynasty Rabbi Body Teitelbaum from America in Jerusalem S Ultra Orthodox Neighborhood of MEA Shearim ON Jan 20 2013 Local Media reported The Massive Gathering what called to demonstrate against participation in Tuesday S General ELECTION and The thousands of Attendees Were TOLD Not to VOTE in The upcoming Ballot IS a fiercely Anti Zionist Hassidic Group and its Leaders View Any Interaction With The State of Israel As Prohibited Due to The secular Foundations of its Laws and to Interpretation of a Passage Which They say forbid Jews from Setting up a Sovereign State in The Country of Israel Before The Arrival of The Messiah Mideast Jerusalem Religion Rally PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN Society Religion Jew Judaism Reception VSW 2013 horizontal ultraorthodox
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