Bildnummer: 53308261 Datum: 01.09.2009 Copyright: imago/Xinhua (090901) -- KATHMANDU, 1. Sept. (Xinhua) -- Nepalesische Traditionsgarde spielte Flöte, traditionelle Musik, während der Fahnenmast-Hebezeremonie des ersten Tages des Indra Jatra Festivals in Hanuman Dhoka, in Kathmandu, Hauptstadt von Nepal, 1. Sept. 2009. Das achttägige Indrajatra-Festival, das vom 1. September an gefeiert wird, wird zur Anbetung von Indra, dem König der Götter, gemäß dem hinduistischen Mythos, abgehalten. Während des Festivals beten Tausende von Gläubigen an Indra, der auch als der Gott der Rains verehrt wird, für die Life-susta
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Bildnummer: 53308261 Datum: 01.09.2009 Copyright: imago/Xinhua (090901) -- KATHMANDU, Sept. 1 (Xinhua) -- Nepalese traditional Guard of honor played flute, traditional music, during the flag-pole hoisting ceremony of the first day of Indra Jatra festival at Hanuman Dhoka, in Kathmandu, capital of Nepal, Sept. 1, 2009. The eight-day Indrajatra festival, which will be celebrated from Sept. 1, is held to worship Indra , the King of Gods according to the Hindu myth. During the festival, thousands of devotees offer prayers to Indra , which is also venerated as the God of Rains, for the life-sustaining downpours, without which the farmers can not plant their paddies. During the festival Kumari, the living goddess, is also taken around parts of the capital city in a religious procession. (Xinhua/Bimal Gautam) (msq) (5)NEPAL-KATHMANDU-INDRA JATRA FESTIVAL PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN Reisen Land und Leute Tradition Fest kbdig xdp 2009 quer o00 Musik Ehrengarde Bildnummer 53308261 Date 01 09 2009 Copyright Imago XINHUA Kathmandu Sept 1 XINHUA Nepalese Traditional Guard of HONOR played Flute Traditional Music during The Flag Pole hoisting Ceremony of The First Day of Indra Jatra Festival AT Hanuman Dhoka in Kathmandu Capital of Nepal Sept 1 2009 The Eight Day Indrajatra Festival Which will Be celebrated from Sept 1 IS Hero to Worship Indra The King of Gods According to The Hindu MYTH during The Festival thousands of devotees OFFER Prayers to Indra Which IS Thus As The God of Rains for The Life Sustaining without Which The Farmers CAN Not plant their during The Festival Kumari The Living Goddess IS Thus Taken Around Parts of The Capital City in a Religious Procession XINHUA Bimal Gautam msq 5 Nepal Kathmandu Indra Jatra Festival PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN Travel Country and People Tradition close Kbdig XDP 2009 horizontal o00 Music Honor Guard
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