. Betonbrücken und Sekten, sowohl für Eisenbahnen als auch für Autobahnen. E wie Balken, mit Rücksicht auf die Theorie. Stahlbeton wurde zuerst als merelya billiges Ersatz für Stein, aber seine eigenen meritsare jetzt erkannt und es wird in einer Weise AC-cording mit seinen Eigenschaften verwendet. Ein Prinzip der architektonischen Gestaltung verlangt, dass die Herstellung eines Materials durch den Einsatz eines anderen nicht vorgenommen werden soll. Und. Daher sollte bei der Gestaltung von Brücken auf kreta keine Anstrengung unternommen werden, um das Design zu imitieren LW AT , sondern einfach und wahrheitsgemäß zu behandeln, wobei alle Linien in Harmonie mit dem verwendeten Material stehen. Das Ausmaß zu whic
1239 x 2017 px | 21 x 34,2 cm | 8,3 x 13,4 inches | 150dpi
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. Concrete bridges and culverts, for both railroads and highways . e like beams, regardlessof theory. Reinforced concrete was first considered merelya cheap substitute for stone, but its own meritsare now recognized and it is used in a manner ac-cording with its properties. A principle of architectural design demands thatimitation of one material by the use of anothershall not be made. and. therefore, in designing con-crete bridges, there should be no effort to imitatestone, but to treat the design simply and truth-fully, keeping all lines in harmony with the mate-rial used. The extent to which concrete and reinforced con-crete are now being used in preference to stone orsteel, may be judged from the fact that, during theyear 1908, there was at least tAventy times morecement manufactured and sold than in the corre-sponding period, ten years previous. As methodsof design and construction become generally un-derstood and as workmen become more accustomedto handling concrete, there will be a still greaternumber of bridges built of this material. Long 99. 100 REIXFORCED COXCRETE ARCH BRIDGES. 101 spans exceeding three to four hundred feet, -willpiobably continue to be framed in metal, bnt thereis reason to believe that all ordinary town andIonnty bridges and the majority of railroad In-idges■will be bnilt as permanent structures. Reinforced concrete is a good combination ofraaterials. Concrete has a high compressivestrength, but is weak in tension. Steel rods im-bedded in concrete have a higli tensile strength, but are weak in compression. The steel, therefore, strengthens the concrete, and the concrete stiffensthe steel, the strength of one thus supplementingtbe Aveakness of the other. Since the beginning of the competitive practicein bridge building, many In-idges have been bui;tv.hich are deficient in both strength and design.There is no doubt that competition is responsiblefor many economic features in steel bridge designand has helped to a great extent in developin