BallBlack & Co. 565 und 567 Broadway Silver Ware. Die EINRICHTUNGEN DER KUGEL SCHWARZ & Co. FÜR DIE HERSTELLUNG VON IHNEN ERMÖGLICHEN, BIETEN EINE GRÖSSERE VARI ETY VON MUSTERN UND BEI NIEDRIGEN ER PREISE ALS JEDES ANDERE HAUS IM HANDEL. 16 ostf WOOD'S WARD NATIONALEN ARCHITEKTEN. Eine praktische workjust veröffentlicht 1000 Designs Plansand Details zu Arbeiten Skala von Cou H ouseswith Angaben und Schätzung von WOODWARD'S GEO. E. WOODWARDArchitect LAND N neue Bücher über Architektur. 191 Broadway Wohnungen. 18 os tf Gebäude Papier. ING BOARD durch den Rock River Pa pro Co 13 LaSalle St hergestellt. Chicag wird mit verwendet
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BallBlack &Co. 565 and 567 BROADWAY Silver Ware. THE FACILITIES OF BALL BLACK & CO. FOR MANUFACTURING ENABLE THEM TO OFFER A LARGER VARI ETY OF PATTERNS AND AT LOW ER PRICES THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE IN THE TRADE. 16 ostf WOOD WARD 'S NATIONAL ARCHITECT. A practical workjust published containing 1000 Designs Plansand Details to Working Scale of Cou H ouseswith Specifica tions and estimate of WOODWARD'S GEO. E.WOODWARDArchitect COUNTRY N new books on Architecture. 191 Broadway HOMES. 18 os tf Building Paper. ING BOARD manufactured by the Rock River Pa. per Co. 13 LaSalle st. Chicag is used with universal and instead of plastering. Ordinary houses may be cov ered on the outside for the trifling sum of Ten to Thirty Dollars according to size. g2V' Samples and descriptive circulars sent free to any address. 18 eow2os Chicag Ill. Pratt's Astral Oil for town. Sample package sent on receipt of $1. Address Oil House of CHARLES PRATT Wheelcombining great economy inthe use of water simplicity durability and general adaptation to all po sitions in which water can be used as a motive power. We are prepared to furnish & warrant the same to give more power than any over shot or other turbine wheel madeusingthesameamount of water. Agents wanted. Send for descriptive cir cular. BODINE & CO. Manure Mount Morris N. York and Westfield Mass. London 48 Cannon street. Manufacturer ot And Importer of English French and German Colors 414 Water st. New York Manufacture that are safe. DRAINAGE and WRECKING PUMPS t Gearing. OACILLATING ENGINES f;om half to two hundred and fifty-horse power. All of these Machines are Light Compact Durable and Economical. 1 tfos WATER POWER. DOUBLE TURBINE WATER Manufactured by JAS. LEFFEL tiz CO. Conn. New Illustrated Pamphlet for 1869 sent 6 loslis eow ti HOLLOW LATHE DOGS % NT Five sizes Machinists' Clamps from 2 to 6-in. inclusive $. Send for Circular. South Norwalk 8 tf eow Conn. Commission Merchant No. 19 Cortlandt st. New York. 16 2eowos 13ostf 'The Franklin