Baby Riva wurde zwischen ihrer Schwester und Cousine CHESTER ZOO, ENGLAND, gefangen. URKOMISCHE BILDER zeigen den Moment, in dem zwei Erwachsene Elefanten aus Versehen eine Tüte zerquetschen
Baby Riva got caught between her sister and cousin CHESTER ZOO, ENGLAND HILARIOUS IMAGES show the moment two adult elephants accidentally squash a baby elephant as they play with herImages show the moment the two elephants head towards each other appearing to be unaware of the baby between them and end up squashing the calf in the process. One year old Riva was caught between her sister Indali and her cousin Anjan as they played with her but after their accidental squeeze Anjan goes head-to-head with the baby elephant proving she was never afraid. These images were captured by photographer Tim Furfie (36) from Runcorn, Cheshire, England. Tim captured the clumsy clam at Chester Zoo, England on his Canon RP. Tim was able to watch the elephants playing and knew no harm was intended as they mischievously squashed Riva and she was never in any danger of being hurt. ?I had been watching Riva being mischievous winding up the other elephants, ? said Tim ?My favourite shot is the one of Riva in the middle, it gives the impression of an elephant family hugging. ?The one of the elephants "hugging" is one of the most well received and shared photos I've ever taken and always gets positive comments. ?I love the playful nature of these shots. I think it shows the real close bond between elephants.? ENDS