Outside view, field recording, inland harbour, inland navigation, inland ship journey, Binnentransport, internal traffic, DE, DEU, Germany, energy, energy production, power production, energy supply, energy industry, oil, Europe, colour photo, colour print, colour photography, river navigation, riverboat journey, consignment, freight traffic, Gelsenkirchen, carriage of goods, goods traffic, goods traffic, harbour, harbour basin, trade, commercial harbour, industry, industrial arrangement, industrial company, industrial building, industrial harbour, industrial culture, domestic traffic, domestic traffic, fuel, North Rhine-Westphalia, North Rhine-Westphalia, oil, oil industry, oil transport, oil economy, place, local view, horizontal format, Rhine Herne canal, route industrial culture, route industrial culture, Ruhr, Ruhr area, navigation, ship traffic, place of interest, town, town view, town admission, townscape, town view, town photo, town harbour, towns, Town admission, traffic, traffic system, consignment of goods, goods transport, movement of goods, water, Westphalian, economy, aqua, worth seeing, seeing-solemnly, 30074950
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