. Arktische Zoologie .. . alles von abright olivgrün. Bewohnt New Tork. Bl. Mus. Placi, StripetL 39® GESTREIFT UND DUN-FLIEGENFÄNGER. 577. Steip£d. Ort. Ort. Gestreifter Fliegenfänger, Forjfer, Ph. Tr. Ixii. 406*Mufcicapa ftriata, theFame, i^z<j.-^Latham, ii, 349.= -Milleri Plates, J^o ip Pl. Mit schwarzer Krone; weiße Wangen: Hinterteil des Kopfbeckens mit Schwarz und Weiß: Kehle eines Gelblichtes Weiß, mit Braun geftrippt: Breaft Weiß, auf dem fides mit Schwarz geftrippt: Bauch Weiß: Rückseite eines Graugrün, mit Schwarz markiert: Wingsduflcy, gemischt mit Weiß: Schweif duflcy, mit den drei outmoft f
1334 x 1874 px | 22,6 x 31,7 cm | 8,9 x 12,5 inches | 150dpi
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. Arctic zoology .. . all of abright olive green. Inhabits New Tork. Bl. Mus. Placi, StripetL 39® STRIPED AND DUN FLY-CATCHER. 577. Steip£d. Place. Place. Striped Fly-catcher, Forjfer, Ph. Tr. Ixii. 406*Mufcicapa ftriata, thefame, i^z<j.-^Latham, ii, 349.= -Milleri Plates, J^o ip pL. With a black crown ; white cheeks : hind part of the headvaried with black and white : throat of a yellowifli white, ftriped with brown : breaft white, ftriped on the fides with black:belly white : back of a cinereous green, marked with black : wingsduflcy, mixed with white: tail duflcy, with the three outmoft fea-thers marked with a white fpot: legs yellow. Head of the Female of a yellowifli green, with Jhort ftreaks ofblack: a {hort yellow line pafles fronrs the bill over each eye: throat, cheeks, and breaft, of a yellowifli white, ftriped on the fides withblack : in other refpeds like the Male, but greener. Lengthfive inches % Extent feven. Arrives at Severn fettleraent, Htidjon^s Bay, in the fummer. Feedson grafs-feeds.. A, Dun Fl. Faun, Rujf.—Latham, ii. 351. UL. Duflcy above j afti-colored beneath: throat and vent fpot-ted with white.Found about lake Baikal, and in the eaftern part of Sihiria: andobferved by Steller in Kavttjcbatka. flEB FIED FLY-CATCHER. B. FibdFl. Br. HooL I. N 125 Ivlufcicapa Atricapilla, Faun. Suec.N z^6, tab, r*. Le Gobe-Mouche noir a Collier, De Bvffon, iv. 520.—PI. Enl. 565. Motacilla Leucomela, Midler, N° 268.—Latham, ii. 324.—Lev. Mus.—Bl. Mus. 391 L. With white front : bill, head, back, and legs, black: co-verts of tail fpotted with white : coverts of wings dufky, crofledwith a white bar: primaries dufky : exterior fides of fecondarieswhite; interior black: breaft and belly white: middle feathers oftail black; exterior black, marked-with white: head of the Femalewholly brown, as is the upper part of the body : white in the wingsobfcure : breaft and belly dirty white. Found as far north as Sondmor. Inhabits that diocefe the whole Plabe, year