. Amerikanischer Ingenieur und Eisenbahnjournal. Er ist mit einem Rauchkastenüberhitzer des neuen Designs ausgestattet und trägt aber 160lbs. Dampfdruck. Die Lokomotive in der allgemeinen Größe und Größe ist den Tandemlokomotiven sehr ähnlich, von denen es eine große Anzahl auf der Atchi-Son, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway im Einsatz gibt. Diese wurden 1903 in dieser Zeitschrift dargestellt, S. 372 und 39S; 1904, S. 17G. Sie übertrifft diese Lokomotiven im Gesamtgewicht, aber havequite nicht so groß eine Zugkraft. Die einfachen Zylinder sind mit Schiebeventilen ausgestattet, die vom Walschaert-Ventil ge geführt werden
1854 x 1348 px | 31,4 x 22,8 cm | 12,4 x 9 inches | 150dpi
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. American engineer and railroad journal . it is equipped witha smokebox superheater of new design and it carries but 160lbs. steam pressure. The locomotive in general size and ap- pearance is very similar to the tandem compound locomotives, of which there are a large number in operation on the Atchi-son, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway. These were illustrated inthis journal in 1903, pages 372 and 39S; 1904, page 17G. Itexceeds those locomotives in total weight, but does not havequite as large a tractive effort. The simple cylinders are equipped with slide valves, oper-ated by the Walschaert valve gear. This arrangement of thevalve gear has the combination lever on the outside of theguides, and in order to prevent the valve chest from exceed-ing the clearance limits the valve has been thrown 3% ins.inside the center line of the cylinders and the connection tothe gear is made through a rocker arm having both armspointed downward and supported in bearings bolted to thecross tie, which in turn is supported on lugs cast in one piece. ELEVATIONS AND SECTIONS—SIMPLE FREIGHT LOCOMOTIVE WITH SU PERHEATER. Mabch, 1907. AMERICAN ENGINEER AND RAILROAD JOURNAL. 89 with the upper frame rail. The outer arm of the rocker shaftis connected to the combination lever and the inner one to thevalve stem through a cross head connection. The boiler is of the extended wagon top type, being 78% ins.in diameter at the front ring and 86 3/16 ins. at the domecourse. The tubes are 20 ft. long and 2 j ins. in diameter, there being 391 in the barrel. The cylinders, which are 28 ins.in diameter, with a 32-in. stroke, are the largest ever appliedto a simple locomotive, and are equivalent to a 25 x 32-in.cylinder with 200 lbs. steam pressure. Each cyl-inder is cast with half of the saddle in the usualmanner. The point of greatest interest in this loco-motive is the superheater which has been appliedin the front end. Reference to the illustrationswill show the design and arrangement of this de-vice, and it