3824 x 2528 px | 32,4 x 21,4 cm | 12,7 x 8,4 inches | 300dpi
17. Mai 2014
Vitebsk, Belarus
Weitere Informationen:
Vitebsk regional museum of the Hero of the Soviet Union Minaya Filippovich Shmyrev. It is open on July 5, 1969 in days of celebration of the 25 anniversary of liberation of Belarus from fascist aggressors in the building of the former shelter of retired officials of a name of K. D. Golembiovsky (a game. XIX head of the XX century). The exposition of the museum consists of 4 exposition halls, total area 216м2. The fund of the museum totals more than 7 thousand exhibits, more than 1, 5 thousand are presented to expositions. The exposition of the museum about life and activity of the legendary brigade commander of guerrilla movement in days of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 - Minay Filippovich Shmyryov (Father Minay). Documents, photos, subject exhibits about creation of the first guerrilla group in the territory of Vitebsk region "Father Minay", about the organization of the 1st Belarusian guerrilla regiment, the 1st Vitebsk regiment and a name of Lenin Komsomol regiment which combated in Vitebsk-Surazh guerrilla zone. Continuation of an exposition is the memorial park, close to the museum building. In park M. F. Shmyrev's (sculptor Z.Azgur) sculptural bust the Rail War model, artillery pieces is established, guerrilla dugouts are constructed. In the museum of a name of Minay Shmyrev on May 17 passed action within the stock "Night of the Museums". Actors from club of historical reconstruction "Comrades in arms" and guests of the museum. Imitation of WW2 Battle.