. Agri-news. Die Landwirtschaft. Telefon: (403) 427-2121 CO CO CO CO CO CO CO März feedgrain 9,1992 gute Vermarktungschancen 1992-93" prognostizierte geringere US-Gerste und Hafer Flächeninhalt in 1992 erhöht sich die Exportchancen für Kanadische feedgrains sagt eine AJberta Landwirtschaft markt Analyst. Die US-Feedgrains Rat rechnet US-Gerste Flächeninhalt von 15 Prozent im Jahr 1992 weiter auf 7,5 Millionen Hektar. "Rückgänge in US-Gerste Produktion für Alberta Landwirte in zwei wichtige Aspekte positiv sein würde", sagt Charlie Pearson. "Erste, niedrigere US-Produktion bedeuten engere Suppl.
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. Agri-news. Agriculture. Phone: (403) 427-2121 CO CO CO CO CO CO CO March 9, 1992 Good feedgrain marketing opportunities in 1992-93' Predicted lower U.S. barley and oat acreage in 1992 should increase export opportunities for Canadian feedgrains says an AJberta Agriculture market analyst. The U.S. Feedgrains Council is forecasting U.S. barley acreage to go down by 15 per cent in 1992 to 7.5 million acres. "Declines in U.S. barley production would be positive for Alberta farmers in two important aspects, " says Charlie Pearson. "First, lower U.S. production will mean tighter supplies and a reduced ability to compete on the export market. Using the export enhancement program to subsidize barley export prices would, therefore, likely stop." As well, he says, the production reduction will increase U.S. import demand. U.S. maltsters and Pacific northwest cattle feedlots are both likely buyers of Canadian barley.U.S. oat acreage is also predicted to remain at historically low levels in 1992 he adds, as U.S. farm programs continue to favor other cropping alternatives. "Alberta farm managers are encouraged to maintain acres seeded to these crops at traditional levels based on effective crop rotations and to use management practices that will increase their chance of obtaining top grades, particularly for malt barley and high quality oats, " says Pearson. Delivery patterns and weather will be the major factors in the direction of Alberta barley prices during the reminder of 1992 he notes. "Assuming favorable weather in both the Prairies and the U.S. Midwest, southern Alberta barley prices are likely to remain in the current trading range of $75 to $90 per tonne." Pearson's outlook for northern prices is a likely range between $65 and $75 per tonne. International barley prices remain at about $140 per tonne to premium markets such as Japan and $110 per tonne to markets identified by U.S. and European export subsidies. Pearson says if barl