** ADVANCE FOR WEEKEND EDITIONS NOV. 19 - 20 ** On a walk near her home, Barbara Henning waits at an intersection with her guide dog Lorna on Aug. 22, 2005, in Louisville, Ky. On a typical walk they will encounter temporary scaffolding that detours a sidewalk. Sidewalks cracked and undulating. Streets with no sidewalks at all. Unattended weeds that poke out unexpectedly from a yard. Tree limbs growing low over walkways. Utility construction that leaves rocks and dirt strewn in the walkway. Motorists pulling out of parking lots or turning corners who look for other vehicles but not pedestrians.

** ADVANCE FOR WEEKEND EDITIONS NOV. 19 - 20 ** On a walk near her home, Barbara Henning waits at an intersection with her guide dog Lorna on Aug. 22, 2005, in Louisville, Ky. On a typical walk they will encounter temporary scaffolding that detours a sidewalk. Sidewalks cracked and undulating. Streets with no sidewalks at all. Unattended weeds that poke out unexpectedly from a yard. Tree limbs growing low over walkways. Utility construction that leaves rocks and dirt strewn in the walkway. Motorists pulling out of parking lots or turning corners who look for other vehicles but not pedestrians. Stockfoto



Associated Press / Alamy Stock Foto




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22. August 2005


Ed Reinke

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